Chapter 61 Edgy?,Coolest Girl in Town

“Are you done with your food?” Alexander asked. Elise patted her tummy and replied contentedly, “Yes I am.” After having heard this, he called for the waiter and made payment with the digital wallet on his phone. As they walked out of the restaurant, she was in such good spirits after the full meal that she couldn’t help humming a tune.

She was absent-minded as she hummed, but he was able to immediately pick up on the melody and recognized it. Then, he deliberately asked, “I didn’t know you liked H, too.” Elise froze before the tune she had been singing died down. She rubbed her head sheepishly and answered, “Well, yeah, I guess I kind of like her.”

Then, she sneaked a sideways glance at him. “Do you like her, too? You recognized the tune immediately.” Alexander made a noise of affirmation. “Her music is really well-made, and—” He suddenly broke off and he looked like he just remembered something as he reeled in what he had been about to say.

After a pause, he continued, “And she’s edgy.” Edgy? Is H an edgy person? A small smile tugged on her lips as she answered, “Come on, drop me off at school. I need to work on a couple more questions this afternoon.” After checking the time, he replied, “Very well. Get in the car, then.”

He then dropped her off at school and she exited after uttering her thanks. However, she didn’t notice there was a camera in the distance snapping photos of her as soon as she stepped out of the vehicle. Elise had only just walked through the school entrance when Alexander heard a knock on his car window.

“Hi there…” Amanda began to greet him boldly, but she trailed off and found herself staring at him in awe the moment her eyes fell upon his chiseled face. What a gorgeous man! “Is there something I can help you with?” he asked in an icy drawl.


This pulled her from her daze and she flashed what she believed was a charming smile as she explained, “Hi. You see, I’m a friend of Elise’s—actually, I’m her roommate. We stay in the same dorm.” Alexander told her bluntly that he wasn’t interested and made to close the window, but Amanda was unexpectedly relentless as she tapped on his window.

“Hey, don’t go yet. I’m not done speaking!” “What is it?” She had wanted to bait him into a conversation about Elise being a sugar baby so she could record it as evidence, but she completely forgot about this plan at the sight of his handsome face. Then, she hastily asked, “Could I get your number?”


phone with me.” “That’s fine,” she pestered stubbornly. “Surely you know your own number by heart.” Upon the sight of Amanda, he was well aware of the type of woman she was. He

her phone. “Thanks. I’ll call you later.” She waved him goodbye and without

a sugar baby, too. I wouldn’t even mind paying for my own stuff if

Have those e-mailed to me and I’ll wire you the payment.” “Very well, Miss Hudson.” The man who had taken the photos sent them to Amanda. She browsed through the shots perfunctorily

having done all this, she registered a fake account and posted Elise’s photos onto all the high school gossip

Olympiad and Chinese Week. Her photos had found their way onto a certain social media platform, and her

prominent high schools, though the celebrity in question was utterly clueless about it. Riley had been the first to discover this post and she immediately called Samantha

to Reddit and her eyes immediately fell on the number one-trending post. The bold caption which read, ‘Erudite Elise Caught Moonlighting as Sugar Baby—Pictures Included’ and the series of photos which followed were enough to stir up a

having a field day as they bombarded the comments section with exclamations and mean opinions. The person in charge of the platform apparently decided that there was nothing wrong with a good drama once in a while, which explained why the post

furiously, “Which son-of-a-b*tch did this?” Riley, on the other hand, instantly thought of Amanda. “Could

hell does Amanda think she’s doing? She’s crossed the line this time! Come on, let’s hunt her down and make her delete the post right now!” The air seemed to crackle as Samantha and

was seized with rage, she abruptly pushed her chair back and stood up while seething, “Damn it, how dare this a*shole try to give our Elise a bad name?” As soon as she said this, a hush descended upon the classroom and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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