When Amanda went on Reddit once more, she was baffled to see the majority of the comments were directing abuse toward her instead of Elise. “What the hell is going on?” she asked in bewilderment.

After clicking into the post she had made, she scanned the comments anxiously and a grimace began to work itself onto her features when she arrived at the end of the comments section. I can’t believe Elise actually has connections with the Griffiths of Athesea! And the four Griffith boys give her a ride to and from school every day, too!

“That’s impossible!” Amanda hissed through gritted teeth. She had always thought of Elise as some bumpkin from a below-average family, but boy, she was wrong. Clearly, Elise had the Griffiths to back her up. Does this mean that the guy from earlier was the legendary Alexander Griffith?

As realization dawned upon her, Amanda quickly found the number that Alexander had given before she hit the call button. She was hoping that she could conduct some damage control before things went out of hand. However, she didn’t expect a female voice to speak up on the other line when the call went through. “Hi, this is the Athesea Psychiatric Hospital. How may I help you?”

When she heard this, color drained from her face and she bitterly registered the fact that he had given her the number for the psychiatric hospital instead.

A furious Samantha and Riley found Amanda at this moment and they shouted her name, “Amanda!”.

“This must be your doing!” Samantha snapped and snatched Amanda’s phone without another word.

“What the hell, Samantha?” Amanda shrieked. “Give me back my phone!”

Samantha ignored her and instead tapped on the phone screen. Several clicks later, she found the content she was searching for and concluded mutinously, “Yeah, she’s the one behind all this.”

Upon hearing this, Riley grew outraged and immediately dragged Amanda with her. When Riley found Elise, she declared seethingly, “Elise, this b*tch has been making up lies about you on Reddit. I have half the urge to punch her lights out!”

Elise was clueless about the incident until Samantha had sent her the link to the infuriating post. After having perused the photos and the caption, Elise asked Amanda stoically, “You did this?”

Amanda pressed her lips into a grim line, obviously reticent.

Rather than forcing an admission from Amanda, Elise grabbed the girl’s phone and changed the password. After that, she tossed the device to Riley and added, “Have fun with her account.”

Riley chuckled deviously. Not missing a beat, she quickly logged into the account and made the post private before she impersonated Amanda to upload a statement admitting all the accusations directed toward her. As if adding more insult to Amanda’s injury, she also signed off the statement with Amanda’s full name.

Needless to say, Riley was seized with great satisfaction at the end of such a feat. Amanda’s name immediately started trending on Reddit and the torrential abuse that followed was highlighted by an exposé on her past scandal on plastic-surgery.

switched off the phone with a grin. Amanda, on the other hand, was stumped as she leaned into the chair, looking as if all life

Samantha pointed out bluntly. It was more of a command than a suggestion, and she didn’t sound like she was

teeth, Amanda refused

silence and drawled, “Well, if you’re

father a call. “Hey, Dad, you know how there’s an Amanda Hudson staying in our dorm right now? She wants to switch to another dorm. Do you think

didn’t spare any doubt as he readily agreed to his daughter’s request. “There’s still a vacant

and hung up the call. Then, she turned to address Amanda haughtily, “There’s still an

See yourself out.”

Amanda, but now that she was backed into a corner, she knew she had no choice other than to pack her things and move into Dorm

as the door fell shut after Amanda’s departure, Riley and Samantha high

one hand on each girl’s shoulder before she said lightheartedly, “Dinner’s on me tonight. Take it as my show of

and Riley exchanged a bemused glance, then cackled. “Since you offered, don’t blame us for

“Bring it on. You guys can order anything

of them beamed at each other and it was

to school. Similar to what happened last week,

afternoon, but no one asked about her, given

multiple choice question?” Samantha asked as soon as the free period was over while holding Elise’s arm with

for a moment before she responded,

grew upset at this. “I got

alright,” Elise comforted as she ruffled the other girl’s hair affectionately. “I’ll help

conversing with one another while

called out, “Hey, Elise, there’s someone at the school

Alexander standing in the distance and Riley tugged Elise’s sleeve as she asked,

the answer as well. “Yeah, Elise, let us in

urge to cringe as she explained hastily, “No, you’ve got it all wrong. He isn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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