Elise smiled as she answered with another question, “What do you think?”

Julius immediately jumped from his chair and ran toward her. However, when he was half a step away from her, she stopped him. “Hey, calm down. There’s no need to get too worked up.”

His eyes reddened. “It’s been so many years and you‘re finally back! We‘ve looked everywhere for you…”

As he spoke, his voice started choking up.

Then, Elise patted him on the shoulder. “Look, I‘m back in one piece. I see that you’re learning to enjoy life more now, eh? You seem to be getting by quite nicely on your own.”

It took a while for Julius to finally calm down, albeit slightly. Then, he asked, “Do Noel and the others know that you’re back?”

“For now, I don‘t think so.”

He hurriedly wiped the tears from his eyes as he added, “Noel has been waiting all these years for your return and he’s the only one who insisted on waiting for you in the same place. I heard that he’s the exclusive lyricist for an artist since he still has his way with words. However, without your voice and songs, the best effect cannot be achieved no matter how good the lyrics are.”

Elise didn’t say a word as she looked around at the courtyard houses. After a while, she suggested, “Let’s go out for dinner tonight.”

An elated Julius replied, “Then, I’ll ask them to come along.”

She quickly responded, “No, don‘t tell them that I‘m back. Let’s just have dinner together.”

There was hesitation on his end. “I promised Noel to inform him of any news relating to you the moment I receive them.” After saying that, he seemed to arrive at a conclusion. “Never mind, I‘ll just keep quiet. Maybe I can show you around instead?”

After voicing her agreement, Elise walked to the backyard where some limited edition motorbikes were parked neatly in a row. She reached out and touched one of them. “It’s been so long since I last patted them.”

 a set of keys and tossed it to her.

before she quickly sat on the bike. Wearing the helmet had made her absolutely stunning. With a smile, she stepped on the

by side. It was obvious that Julius was overjoyed because it felt like he had returned to the good old times

to a bar, where the two of them ordered a few classics

held the wineglass and clinked it with his. “How have you been,

been a long while,

before Elise finally asked,

me, I run this bar, so I come here at night to keep an eye on things. During the day, I sunbath in the courtyard houses. Noel is quite lucky, seeing how he gradually brought that particular artist to fame. That artist is quite the star

 Jack Griffith‘s name, Elise was dumbfounded. It‘s a small

 give it a listen when I feel like it. Your bar is

don’t you make an appearance

head. “No, it’s okay. I haven’t sung in years and I’ve

towel either. “Just go and sing a song! Won‘t you

inability to win against Julius in an argument or her desire to have some

as she took to

decided to join us in Kimi Bar tonight. She will be performing a beautiful song called Concealed Fragrance. Let’s welcome

ended his introduction, Alexander frowned from his perch on the second floor. He sat alone at the side and he couldn’t help but focus on

 Fragrance was H’s trademark song. After she left the entertainment field, he had never heard of the song ever since.

she gracefully walked onstage. As she wore a mask, no one could figure out what she looked like.

from the flower, the concealed fragrance remains. It went away in the

shaken to the core. He was overcome with disbelief, for this voice was exactly the same as H’s voice in his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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