As a global conglomerate, the Griffith Group had maintained business relationships with entities in various countries. On that particular day, Alexander brought Elise to an upscale French restaurant and they saw their guests the moment they stepped into the private dining hall-a group of French people.

The moment Alexander entered, the French people were joyful and they enthusiastically greeted him whereas Elise shot him a glance and understood his hint. Then, she started to interpret for both sides and her fluency in the language was more than conversational as she had spent some time abroad.

His gaze had intermittently swept past her throughout the course of the dinner. It was then he realized that she had a captivating charm.

When Elise saw that the meal was almost over, she whispered to Alexander, “I’ll head to the washroom.”

He slightly nodded, thus allowing her to excuse herself from the hall. After she left, the guests couldn’t help but ask him in French, “Alex, what’s with you today? Why were you quiet during the meal? The missus was the only one speaking to us.”

Alexander smiled beguilingly as he slowly replied in fluent French, “She’s my assistant. Since she’s unfamiliar with the operations, I was giving her a training opportunity earlier.”

The French guests exchanged looks with each other and grinned. “So, she’s only your assistant, Alex? I clearly saw how you looked at her just now, though. I thought she was your girlfriend.”

Upon hearing the term ‘girlfriend’, Alexander oddly didn’t feel repulsive because he seemed to agree that it was a suitable nickname for Elise.

He fell silent and took a huge sip of the wine in front of him. The French were always passionate, sensual and especially open-minded when it came to relationships. When they saw Alexander agreeing with them in silence, they couldn’t help but joke with him. “Alex! It looks like the missus’ identity is not as simple as you said! I think you should be more courageous to meet the true love of your life.”

The wine didn’t smoothly slide down his throat because the moment he heard their words of encouragement, he choked on his wine.

Elise was back from her trip to the washroom. She could sense that something had shifted in the air the moment she entered the

it reminded him of the ‘advice’ from his

he was acting in a strange manner,

to speak, Alexander

clear-he wanted to prevent them

were elated to witness him losing his composure. No one was stopping him and by the end of the

which made her pant from the exertion. “Why did you drink so much?” she grumbled as she couldn’t hold

“How could you not be dizzy after all the drinking? Stand still for

he lost his balance a second later, leaving him

left her at the end of her wits. After hailing a cab with her phone, she brought him back

of doing so had exhausted her. She leaned against the wall for a short rest and wanted to reach out for the light switch. Much to her surprise, his body fell toward her and she hurried over to hold him. As she failed to catch him, she watched as he fell flat onto

warm lips pressed themselves against hers in the middle of the dark, causing her eyes to widen in shock as she stared

he had too much to drink and he was slumped on his side as he leaned against

floor. As she left Alexander behind, she rushed to the bedroom and stared at her reflection in the mirror while regrets washed over her. “Ahhhhhhhhhhh! What was that?! Elise, that

that she badly wanted to repeatedly cleanse

of her mouth had turned red from the rigorous wiping, she still refused to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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