“When are we heading home?”

Alexander snapped back to reality and answered, “Pack your stuff. Let’s head back in the afternoon.”

After hearing his answer, Elise relaxed and turned around to enter her bedroom.

In the afternoon, they traveled in silence throughout their journey to the airport. He could sense that she was intentionally creating distance between them.

Moments after they returned to Athesea, he asked the driver to send Elise home while he himself headed to the office.

Once she arrived at home, a concerned Jonah asked, “Ellie, how was the exam?”

She replied, “It was fine. Not a problem for me.”

He then gave a warm smile. “I knew it! Ellie is the best! By the way, why are you home alone? Where’s Alex?”

The last thing she wanted to talk about was Alexander, so she answered curtly, “He went to the office.”

The old man clearly sensed the change in Elise’s mood and assured, “Ellie, he didn’t bully you in the past two days, did he? If he bullied you, just let me know. I have your back!”

Elise focused on a particular spot on the floor before she shook her head. “I-I’m fine! Grandpa, I feel a little tired. So, I’m going to rest in my room.”

Now that she had greeted Jonah, she went upstairs into her room. He flashed a smile of knowledge at the vanishing figure and the butler beside him interjected, “Sir, you seem to be in a good mood.”

Jonah’s smile widened even more. “Yeah! It looks like my trick has worked pretty well. In the future, you need to figure out ways to make them spend time with each other. I don’t want to let this future granddaughter-in-law escape!”

The butler rarely saw Jonah in such high spirits. “Sir, you’re right! Miss Elise and Young Master Alex look quite compatible.”

Confirmations of his greatest wish was what Jonah loved to listen to.

himself and he is extremely calculative. Someone like Ellie by

the corner. Do

observe for now.

into the account that she previously used to help Alexander with interpreter work. She found herself staring at the message he sent to her half a month ago-he asked whether she wanted to help him with interpreting on the spot at Aris.

that she had sent the message, she closed the laptop and shoved the matter to

with the National Mathematics Olympiad, she returned

should have been the one to send her to school, but she stubbornly decided to leave with

Elise was absent for half a month, she found herself longing for

Elise and gave a bear hug. “Elise,

squeezing me;

that, Mikayla released Elise from her embrace. “Do you know how badly I have missed

to the classroom. As Mikayla suddenly thought of something, she lowered her voice. “Oh, right, I have something to tell you. Jasmine is going to be engaged. She came to school two days ago to deliver the invitation cards for her engagement party

no longer evoked any reaction from her.

Mikayla looked indignant. “How could someone like Jasmine live such a good life? I refuse to accept

need to live our lives to the best of our abilities. The lives of others

being comforted by Elise, Mikayla immediately cheered up and they both entered the

eyes were staring at the words on his computer screen-the reply he received regarding his request for interpreting on the spot

surprise and finally made an internal call. Soon, an assistant came

told you to look for Arisian interpreters. Are there any candidates? Send their resume to my inbox,

nervousness, “Young Master Alex, we have not received any

into deep thought. “Did you ask the foreign language college?

language since the population of Arisian speakers is small. That’s why I can’t find a candidate until

decided and messaged, ‘What’s your offer?

any issues, you can talk it out

favor. It was all because the company urgently needed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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