Matthew was already waiting for Elise at the entrance the moment school knocked off for the day. He had done so until she showed up at the gates. Then, he alighted from his car and walked toward her. “Give me your bag.”

She obliged, to which he took her bag while he held the car door open for her. Once they were inside the car, he started the engines and cruised down the street.

Then, he initiated the conversation. “How was school today?”

“Good,” she monotonously replied, “Everything’s fine.”

Matthew shot a glance at her through the rearview mirror in the silence. When they arrived home, he parked the car in the underground garage and they left for the elevator together. Much to their dismay, the lights in the elevator suddenly blinked before it turned off and plunged them into darkness.

A panicked Elise asked, “What’s the problem?” As she spoke, she reflexively reached out to bang on the elevator doors.

Matthew quickly comforted her, “It could be a technical error. I’ll make a call now to the servants.”

While he comforted her, he fished out his phone only to realize that there was no line. He also hadn’t noticed that Elise was suffering from a full-blown panic attack as sweat beads formed across her forehead while her body trembled violently.

Elise’s breathing was erratic and her body went limp a second later, after which she collapsed to the floor. When Matthew saw this happening, he asked in worry, “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

What answered him was her chattering teeth, which he found to be rather odd. “Are you… claustrophobic?”

At that moment, she could not hear what he was saying. Even though she was taking deep breaths, she felt that her brain had gone numb. It was only at this time when he realized that the situation was grave. Without any hesitation, he banged on the doors and yelled to anyone who happened to be outside. Soon, the servants hurried over, but they couldn’t help much except to call the technician.


the ground, this was the first time Matthew

other side, the servants then circled the ground in worry. At the same time, Alexander’s car rolled in and one of the servants immediately approached him as soon as Alexander got out. “Young Master Alex, something’s happened! Miss Sinclair and

electricity to restart the entire system. Within two minutes, the elevator started

at Alexander’s back, Matthew’s eyes darkened as he

come over as soon as possible,” Alexander ordered the servants while he had Elise in his arms. The servants


firmly grabbed hold of her hand and only released it

a look at her. What’s

Alexander could only leave the room. He ran into Matthew the moment he walked out, which caused his expression

Matthew did not reply, Alexander continued firing shots without any mercy. “I am warning you now: you better not take advantage of her. If not, I

a lot. Have you fallen for her?” After that, he couldn’t help but mock, “An ugly girl like her might not

disdain in his eyes appeared to be more obvious. “You better not think that I have no idea about your motive. Or, should I say that we share the same goal? If that’s the case,

his eyes, Alexander smiled mockingly. “You’re letting the cat out

and left

aware of Matthew’s advances, he believed that life

earlier scare that she even ran a temperature at night. As a result, she was in and out of consciousness until the next afternoon. The moment she opened her eyes, she noticed Jonah staring at her with a concerned face. “Ellie, you’re

familiar ceiling. Since her memory was still replaying the scene where she was trapped in the elevator, it made her tremble in

“Ellie, are you okay?”


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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