“Don‘t be sad, Grandma. I‘ll try my best, so don‘t worry about me.”

Seeing that Elise had softened her attitude, Laura knew that she had made the right move, and she quickly added, “Well, you said it yourself. I’ll give you another chance, then. The next time you’re back, you have to bring along your husband so I can meet him.”

All of a sudden, Elise felt that she had fallen into a trap, but since she had already said it herself, she could only agree. “Okay, I’ll try my best.”

Upon getting her word, all the sadness disappeared from Laura’s face. “Come here. Let me take a good look at you to see if you’ve grown any taller or chubbier.”

Speechless, Elise could clearly feel that she had fallen for her trap, but even so, she had no complaints about it.

After having dinner with her grandparents, Elise went to her bedroom on the third floor. Opening the door, she immediately saw a huge poster with the letter H printed on the bottom.

Lifting her gaze, she stared at her own poster with an unreadable look in her eyes. However, very quickly, she looked away and scanned around the room. Everything in the room was exactly how it was when she left; it showed how careful Robin and

Then, she paced to the storage space in her room and opened the door. The space was filled with digital albums and posters, and she found the limited edition of her own album she published back then.

“Since Mikayla likes it so much, I‘ll bring a few albums for her. I think Matthew likes it as well, so I‘ll bring a couple for him, too,” she muttered as she took out a few albums and signed the letter H with a Sharpie pen. When she was done, only then did she leave the storage with the albums in her hands,

“Ellie!” Laura suddenly called out while pushing the door open.

Setting the albums aside, Elise asked, “What is it, Grandma?”

Laura walked into the room and passed her the lucky charm she got for her. “Elise,

 charm around Elise‘s neck. “Your grandpa and I are old, and we don’t know how many remaining days we have. You’re the

 care of myself, so

of myself at this age. Actually, I came looking for you because

pocket and took out an antique-looking locket. “This was my dowry back then. My family was against my decision to marry your grandfather, and so many

I’ve not thought of going home to take a look. So, I don’t know how my

mentioning her own family, the Richardsons, and she couldn’t help but ask, “Do you have any siblings

now. Previously, I heard rumors saying that his family have moved to Athesea, and since you’re there as well, I wonder

Grandma!” Elise said with

not to contact them for decades, they’re still constantly on my mind. If you have

 it, Grandma!”

is Leonard Richardson. Please send him my regards if

“Don’t worry, Grandma! I’ll ask around Athesea when I’m back

Elise’s assurance, Laura nodded. “Great!

to me, Grandma! If

 Elise could finish her sentence, Laura interjected, “There’s no need to meet up. I just need to know if they‘re doing

she respected Laura’s decision and put it on her

her grandparents the next day. Before leaving, she even called for a courier service to have those

Instead, she changed into a new look with a different makeup and headed straight for the airport. With the Mesdra passport she had from years ago which was registered under the name Sare, she checked in for the flight and

here’s your ID and passport. I’ve already checked in for you, and your

reply and checked the time on his wristwatch.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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