After Cameron was finished with the upgrade procedure, Elise and Alexander soon boarded the flight headed for Singapore. More than ten hours of flight and transit later, they finally reached Aris.

The moment Elise got off the plane, she was incredibly exhausted, but she was the only one amongst the three of them who could speak Arisian, so she was the most important person in the group; despite her sleepiness, she had to help them to communicate with the locals until they reached the hotel. Upon contact with the bed, relief washed over her, and she fell into a deep slumber.

Elise spent one whole day adjusting to the jetlag and only recovered on the third day. After waking up, she saw the message Alexander had sent her earlier. ‘Miss Sare, I’ll meet you at the hotel lobby at 8.00AM.

She replied okay’ after reading the text and then put down her phone. Then, she quickly washed up, changed into a set of formal business attire, and put on the glasses she had prepared earlier, making herself look like a professional career woman.

When she reached the lobby, Alexander and Cameron were already there waiting for her.

“Miss Sare!” Cameron greeted and passed a schedule to her. “This is Mr. Griffith’s itinerary for the day. You’ll need to accompany him the whole time as his interpreter, so your workload will be very heavy today. Are you okay with that?”

Taking a glance at the schedule, Elise thought that it wouldn‘t be a problem and answered, “It‘s alright. I‘m okay with it.”

With that reply from her, Cameron breathed a sigh of relief. He had been working as Alexander’s assistant for years, and he knew his work attitude very well. When it came to work, Alexander had always been meticulous, and previously, Cameron was worried that Elise might delay the progress of their work, but he could now set his mind at ease after hearing her answer.

The three of them got into an MPV car, and Elise started to brief them on the culture and geographical climate of Aris. “Aris is a small country with a population of not more than ten million. Located in the Eurasian continent, it has a temperate continental climate with cold winters and warm summers. The annual temperature

difference is rather huge; it is dry most of the time and it rains very little. It‘s summer now, so the precipitation is low and the air is quite dry. So, you can bring a bottle of warm water with you to quench your thirst, Mr. Griffith.”

“You seem very familiar with Aris,” Alexander pointed out casually after hearing her explanation.

it would be a good idea to find out more about the local culture of Aris. As for learning the local language, it was only because

 reply, Alexander couldn’t help but steal a peek at her. This girl looks like she‘s only around twenty years old, so I

grade in the middle,

you attend university?” Alexander asked next.

“University of Edinburgh.”

mention of Edinburgh, Alexander seemed very interested. “What a coincidence! I did

to hear him mention it now. “Anyone who could enter Oxbridge are talented people. It’s easy to tell

complimented, Alexander didn‘t appear flattered. “You‘re indeed a professional interpreter, Miss

and time seemed to pass very quickly while they were chatting. In

exploration project, and hundreds of millions had been invested. Knowing that Alexander would be arriving, the Aris government had sent their representatives to await him at the entrance, and the sounds


 a local culture of the Arisians,” Elise hurriedly explained. “Lighting the firecrackers shows that they’re welcoming

got out of the car. With bright smiles on their faces, the government representatives walked toward him and extended their hands at him as they spoke in fluent Arisian. “Welcome to number one mining factory of Aris to

that, she immediately translated it for Alexander and helped him to exchange some opinions with the

to achieve a good flow of communication between both parties. Very quickly, it was

sweet. I’m not sure

reply, he said, “I’ve lived in southeast Asia for a period of time. I think I can take

 did he know that all his appetite would be gone after he tried the local

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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