Elise frowned in annoyance as she thought, I‘ve already warned him against the effect of the fruit liqueur earlier, but he still couldn‘t restrain himself. Regardless, I can‘t leave him by himself now when he‘s in this state. 

Despite that, she shuddered when she recalled what happened the last time.

Back at the hotel, she went straight to the hotel staff and passed them a stack of bills while requesting, “Please send him back to his room.”

Seeing the wad of cash in front of their eyes, the hotel staff didn’t even hesitate for a second before he called another colleague over to help him bring Alexander back to his room.

The next morning, Elise happened to run into Alexander when she stepped out of her room and saw that he had already recovered his usual energy. “Morning, Mr. Griffith,” she greeted.

His eyes were fixed on her for a few seconds before he finally uttered, “Morning.”

They got into the elevator one after the other, and the moment the doors slid shut, he said, “Sare, thanks for bringing me back yesterday.” Then, he whisked out a cheque he had prepared beforehand and passed it to her. “This is for the trouble you went through.”

Stealing a peek at the cheque, Elise was shocked to see that it was worth 200,000! All I can say is, he‘s a really, really generous man! she thought.

Nevertheless, she felt that she didn’t deserve it because she didn’t do much, so she rejected it. “That’s alright, Mr. Griffith. It’s just a small matter that’s not worth mentioning.”

Her words made him grow solemn, and when he spoke again, his voice sounded a little aloof. “I don’t take rejection very well. Moreover, I don’t want anyone else to know what happened last night.”

So, he‘s using this money to buy my silence? After thinking for a while, Elise decided to accept the cheque in the end. Why didn‘t I realize before that Alexander has the habit of giving cheques? 

“Thank you, Mr. Griffith. Rest assured that I won’t breathe a word about what happened last night,” she promised.

he grunted in reply. Just then, the doors slid open, and Elise let him

Arisian government until 7.00PM when it finally ended. Stretching herself, Elise was already very tired, and she returned to the hotel directly after finishing her work. In the hotel, she had a quick

for the entire week until the cooperation between the two parties reached an agreement. After the signing of the contract, it also meant that her work had come

the flight

said, “We’ll go back in a couple of days. Accompany

if I go back first,

“How am I supposed to enjoy

in silence and rolled her eyes. “Okay, I can stay a couple more

eyes on her, he asked,

 That‘s for sure! Everyone is in need of something

 pay you extra by hourly pay,” he

up. “Sure,

early in the morning, but Alexander only contacted her in the afternoon. When she saw him,

wanted to go out? Why did you contact me so late in the day?” Don‘t you know that I‘m paid hourly! This delay has caused me

 her heart and not out loud at him because she didn‘t have

have read her mind. “I can save some money by using your services a few

 a frustrating capitalist he is! But on the surface, she plastered on a smile and asked, “So, where are we

and passed the address on his cell phone to the driver, who drove the car to their

country was stone gambling. The last thing Elise could think of was Alexander bringing her to a stone

“A cut could make one rich and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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