Elise could accept such an outcome. After all, stone gambling was also gambling, so she had to be willing to admit defeat. “Okay. Let’s open the next piece.”The boss hurriedly asked the stone master to cut open the other piece of stone, and he didn’t forget to remind the stone master to be careful.

They didn’t expect that after it was opened, it was still just a piece of junk. Elise let out a soft sigh. Having lost another 100,000, she looked at Alexander, who just gave her a soothing look.

“It’s just a piece of stone, so it doesn’t matter. You can still look around.” Elise, on the other hand, was a little dejected. “Forget it. Let’s not waste any more money. Let’s find something fun to do.” Alexander replied, “You’re giving up this easily? It seems like you’re pretty half-hearted about this.”

Elise couldn’t quite accept this kind of judgment, so she pouted. “Maybe I just don’t have the talent.” Alexander simply reassured her, “You have to keep your cool when gambling on stones; don’t get distracted. And when choosing stones, you can decide based on multiple features, such as color and texture.

There’s even a belief that the most inconspicuous things will often produce the greatest outcome. Carry on searching with this mentality and see if you can find the stone you like.” After hearing his encouragement, Elise glanced at the stones around her. In the end, she decided to give it another try.

So, she studied the stones in the shop once again. After circling two rounds, she stopped in front of a bunch of stones near the entrance. The shop owner sighed and said, “Miss, these are the cheapest stones in our store. If you want them, I’ll sell them to you at 3,000 per piece.” By saying that those stones were the cheapest, he was implying that they were simply useless. In the eyes of experts, it was impossible for them to contain jadeite.

or color, they were the worst. Squatting down, Elise looked at two of the stones, which weren’t big nor small. They weren’t expensive anyway, as they were only priced at a few thousand, so she could just buy them for fun. “I want these two stones.” The shop owner didn’t expect that Elise would actually spend money to buy this

that it can be said to be negligible.” The owner’s

she felt that these two stones weren’t that terrible, so she just bought them. After she paid, the owner didn’t say anything more. At this moment, Alexander, who

“Sir, I’d have to trouble your stone master to help cut these open again.” The owner understood and called the stone master over. Upon taking a glance at the two stones Elise bought, he knew that she was a novice, as she had chosen the stones with the worst quality. So, he said, “Miss, there’s a very low possibility of these two stones

Elise was about to say something, Alexander interrupted and muttered something in her ear, causing her eyes to light up. Staring at him, she asked with uncertainty, “Really?” After Alexander gave her a nod, Elise said to the stone master, “Please help me cut the stone from the right side of the back of

it slowly, and be more gentle.” Seeing that Elise was unwilling to listen to his opinion, the stone master shook his head helplessly, but he still cut the stone according to her request. He cut it carefully and slowly went deeper. After cutting less than a centimeter of

throat tightened when she heard his exclaims, and she stared fixedly at the stone, only to see that there was a light green layer underneath the originally gray stone. Although the

asked, “Is it worth a lot?” Glancing at the stones, Alexander explained, “In its natural form, it’s worth around 1 million. If it’s made into jewelry, the value will increase by several

is indeed good,” the owner of the shop couldn’t help but exclaim. “I never thought that a rough stone like this could produce such a beautiful Ice Jadeite.” When pedestrians passing by the store heard that a

went in one after another. All of a sudden, a lot of customers poured in, and the

pretty good. I can recommend them to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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