Chapter 81 I Will Definitely Meet My Idol,Coolest Girl in Town

Elise went to the bathroom at the airport, changed into a new outfit, and returned to her usual ugly appearance. After checking herself again and again to confirm that everything was in order, she finally left the bathroom. Before Elise went back to the Griffith Residence, she went to pick up her parcels. In addition to H’s albums, there were also some local specialties from her hometown. Elise took these back to the Griffith’s. “Grandpa!


I’m back.” Elise entered the door while carrying many bags with her. Seeing that, the servant hurried forward to take the bags off her hands. Jonah was reading the newspaper when he heard her voice, then he put down the newspaper in his hand. “Oh! You’re back, Ellie! I missed you so much when you weren’t around.” Elise hurriedly stepped forward. “I missed you too, Grandpa. These are some things from back home that I brought for you, as well as your favorite tea that my grandparents asked me to bring to you.”

Jonah nodded again and again. “That’s great! Have you been okay at home?” Hearing that, Elise stuck out her tongue in a guilty conscience. “I’m all right, Grandpa.” “That’s good, then! I’m sure you’re tired from the trip here—go upstairs and get some rest first. I’ll ask Aunty Stella to get you for dinner later.”

Elise was indeed a little weary from the long-distance flight. Right now, she was just barely holding on in front of Jonah. “Okay, Grandpa. I’ll go upstairs first, then.” After she finished speaking, Elise carried her things upstairs. Before she went to her room, she first went to Matthew’s room and knocked on the door. After a while, the door was opened, revealing Matthew, whose eyes lit up when he saw Elise. “Elise, you’re back!”

Elise nodded and gave him a copy of the album she brought back. “This is the limited edition album by H that I collected before—here’s a copy.” When Matthew heard that it was H’s limited edition album, he immediately looked at it with excitement. It turned out to be the one he had always wanted! “How did you get it!?

back to my room first.” Matthew stopped her. “Wait a minute, Elise.” Elise stopped and asked, “Is there anything else?” Matthew went on to say, “You gave me such a precious album, so I can’t give you nothing

look of anticipation, she thought about it again. It’s just a meal after all. No big deal, right? With that, she agreed. “Okay, sure.” As Matthew heard her reply, he

was very casual, but as soon as Elise sent the photo over, she was completely ecstatic. She immediately texted back after seeing Elise’s photo. ‘WAIT. WHAT? Isn’t this my idol’s album! You actually collected so many of them! They’re the

wanted to give me a gift. Don’t tell me this is the gift that you wanted to give me!! Oh, my God. I love you so much.’ ‘Did you come back to Athesea? Wait for me. I’ll fly over to you right away.’ Seeing Mikayla’s excited replies,

me!’ Elise simply replied with an ‘okay’. After that, she put down the phone, took a change of clothes, and went into the bathroom to take a shower. She thought that it would take

a lunatic. Elise couldn’t stand her acting this way, so she couldn’t help but say, “It’s just a few albums. Did you need to overreact?” To that, Mikayla replied, “You wouldn’t understand—I’ve been thinking about

to get so many limited edition albums?” Elise answered unnaturally, “I just bought extra when it first

As soon as Mikayla thought of this, she turned the album over. It was a fact that

more excited. “It’s genuine. Good grief. I’m so lucky.” As soon

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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