Chapter 85,Coolest Girl in Town

Ashlyn clenched her fists quietly while the retail assistant came over. “Do you need anything else, Miss Lawson?” Ashlyn was just about to vent her anger, and the retail assistant coming up to her gave her a reason to do so. “Anything else? You don’t have anything I want. This is the last time I’m coming here.” And then she stormed off. Elise looked at her shopping bags.


When she came here, she only wanted to get one as Alexander’s birthday gift, but she bought an extra one now just to spite Elise. I’ll give one to Jamie. The thought of that made her feel better, since at least it wouldn’t be a waste of her money buying a second one. Just when she was about to go back to school, Jonah called her.

“Ellie, are you busy?” Elise smiled. “No. Can I help you, Grandpa Griffith?” “Why, yes,” Jonah answered. “I’ve sent someone to pick you up after school, so go with them then.” Elise agreed to it without hesitating. When she came out from school, Jonah’s men were already waiting for her at the school gates. 

When they saw her, they quickly went up to her and took her bag. “Come with us, please, Miss Elise.” She got into the car and asked, “Where are we going?” The driver answered, “Mr. Griffith wants us to take you to Tony. It’s Mr. Alexander’s birthday party tonight, so he wants you to style up.” Elise quickly refused. “It’s fine. I think I look okay the way I am, so Mr. Tony doesn’t have to do anything, really.” The driver smiled.

to Tony’s shop and she simply told him she would do her own makeup, while they could pick her dress. Tony gave her a closer look and suggested sincerely, “Miss Sinclair, you have a great figure, so this dress will accentuate all your

her makeup changed. “It’s fine. I’ll make do with my current one,” she refused. Tony sighed. He thought it was a shame

 My makeup doesn’t go with the dress though. In the end, she chose to get another dress. “But why don’t you get me a dress that is less ostentatious? It’ll be better.” I need something that matches my look after all. Tony was put in a dilemma. “Miss Sinclair, it’ll be better if I

you let me try?” Elise refused politely, “No. Just change the dress.” In the end, Elise switched into a simple dress, though it was an elegant one. It was seven in the evening, and everyone

sir. Everything is in place. Now all we need is Miss Elise and Mr. Alexander to appear.” Jonah nodded

should get engaged. I really want to attend their wedding.” “Don’t worry, sir. Mr. Alexander will not let you down.” Jonah held his walking stick. “Let’s go. Time for us to make our entrance.” The moment Elise showed up, lots of rich ladies came to chat with her. After all, the whole of the upper society knew Elise was close to the Griffiths.

a break, she plopped down on a sofa and ate some snacks. At that moment, someone said, “The Griffiths’ young masters are here.” Everyone looked at the entrance and saw Alexander coming in first, flanked by Danny and Jack,

especially Alexander. I heard he just nailed the deal in Aris and made some serious money gambling in Jade City.” “Jack’s not bad either. Yes, he’s a celebrity, but the whole nation loves him.” “Danny doesn’t have much to his name, but he’s still young. Sure, his brothers are more successful than he is, but I’m sure he’ll make a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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