The atmosphere was awkward, so Danny quickly broke the ice. “What did you get for Alexander, Ashlyn?”

Ashlyn felt embarrassed, but she stayed calm. “I hand picked this, Alexander. Please take it.” She thought he’d say something, but he still didn’t.

Jack and Danny glanced at each other. The old Jack would have stood up for Ashlyn, but tonight, he turned his head away and pretended that he saw nothing. Danny looked around to see if anyone could be of help. When he saw Elise, he quickly went up to her. “Boss, are you here to give Alexander your present?”

Elise was surprised Danny came to her. She was planning on giving Alexander the gift after the banquet, but since Danny already brought it up, she simply said, “Yes.” Then, she took the present out. “Here, Alexander. Happy birthday.”

Alexander looked at her, then at her present. For some reason, he wanted to know what her gift was, but he had to stay calm and collected. “Danny, take the gift.”

Danny quickly took Elise’s gift. He paused for a moment, then he took Ashlyn’s as well.

Ashlyn heaved a sigh of relief after her gift was taken. Unbeknownst to her, Alexander never wanted to take her gift.

Jack asked curiously, “What did you get him, Elise? Can we open it?” That does not seem cheap at all. Wow, she really does care about Alex. 

However, before Elise could answer, Ashlyn said, “I got Alex a watch from Longines. Latest model, and it’s a limited edition too. Only three pieces are available worldwide.”

Danny praised, “Wow, that’s a nice gift. You must have spent a lot of money on it.”

Jack snorted. “I’m asking Elise, not you.”

Ashlyn’s smile froze. The old Jack wouldn’t talk to her that way, but after what happened, she could feel his contempt toward her. However, she didn’t flip out. “I just think this fits Alexander. That’s all, really.”

“You’re really nice to him, Ashlyn,” Danny praised genuinely. But right after that, Alexander took Elise’s present and looked at her. “What did you get me?”

surprised he asked her, but she answered, “A necktie. I don’t

 this fits my aesthetics. She knows me well. “Not bad.” It was a curt remark, but coming from Alexander,

now knew Alexander never cared about her gift in the first

a servant hurried over. “Mr. Alexander, the ball is starting soon, and Mr. Jonah wants

handed the gift box to Jack. “Hold it for me.” He

it was packed with people. The host was standing in the middle of the stage, hyping the event up. “Thank you for coming to the ball today. We hope you’ll have a great night. The ball shall begin soon, but today, we’re going to ditch the boring old ways for something fun and

to hear that, and they looked at the host, curious about what

same number will be dance partners for the ball, so your dance partners are completely

Everyone burst into cheers.

fact, it was one of her worst talents. She stood silently among the crowd, a

up to her, and he was holding

have a dance, milady?” the man said. Hey,

delighted. Alexander was surprised that he

Scanned with CamScanner

together, it seems.

him. Alexander had extended his hand, and she held it after a

know how to dance,


move. “Follow me. Step

and tempo, but less than a minute

look. “It’s fine.

his instructions, though guests who danced close to

she said sorry, Alexander just reassured her patiently. “It’s fine. You can

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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