Chapter 103,Coolest Girl in Town

At the same time, Alexander was backstage at the same race. He was cheering on one of the contestants that day. “You’ve been training for two years now; it’s about time you evaluate yourself with this race. Good luck! I’m looking forward to your performance.” The other man gave him a firm nod.

“Don’t worry, Young Master Alex. I will do my best!” The person was none other than Wilson DeMarco, the only representative of Cittadel that day! Alexander had spent large amounts of money to develop Wilson as a racer. “Wilson DeMarco from the fourth group, please get ready!”

Wilson stood up once he heard his name being announced. After bidding goodbye to Alexander, he prepared to step onto the tracks. Alexander didn’t stay after that—he headed to his seats in Zone A after checking his tickets. However, the moment he sat down, he saw a familiar figure sitting just three rows in front of him. Joy?

That’s odd. I didn’t expect to bump into her here. He smirked without thinking much about the encounter. Instead, he put all of his focus on the race. “Let’s go, Number 6! You’re the only representative of Cittadel!” Jamie cried at the top of his lungs. His words caught Alexander’s attention, and Alexander was shocked when he saw Jamie.

What a small world! But why would Jamie and Joy be together? It doesn’t really make sense for them to interact with one another—one lives in France while the other lives in Athesea. Judging by the way they are interacting now, it seems like they’re pretty close. It doesn’t look like they just met each other here.

Alexander shifted his gaze away. Am I overthinking this? Something feels weird! Elise beamed when she saw Wilson. “This participant seems pretty good. I think he might be a favorite to win.” Jamie didn’t agree at all. “Wilson’s a new face in this scene, Boss. Furthermore, he’s not from one of the nearby countries.

like Cittadel. In fact, that was one of the reasons Elise nearly lost her title as the champion back then. “We’ll find out soon.” Elise understood the rules of the race, but she genuinely thought that Wilson seemed like a promising racer. Her predictions were right—Wilson won first place within his group of

Z from Germany has better skills. I have more faith in him.” Elise chuckled in response. “Why don’t we bet on this, Jamie?” A bad feeling emerged in Jamie’s chest immediately as

the race, let’s bet on the person we think will be the champion.” Elise laughed. “Please spare me, Boss! I’ve known you for so long, yet I’ve never won a single bet against you. You’re going to take my entire fortune if we continue betting! Please show me some kindness and spare me for once,” Jamie

talk that way. Let’s just place a small bet this time. Let’s bet on a fancy meal.” Jamie was relieved to hear that they would only be betting on

them shifted their focus back to the race. At that moment, Elise felt someone tapping on her shoulder. She

“M-Mr. Griffith! What are you doing here?” Alexander stared at her and Jamie for a while. Jamie was shocked by Alexander’s glare. “What a coincidence! I didn’t expect to see you here, Miss Sinclair.” He then turned to

to watch the competition too, Mr. Keller?” It took all of Jamie’s brain juice for him to generate possible stories to ensure that Elise’s identity wouldn’t be exposed. “I happened to drop by

manner previously. Why are they pretending as if they don’t know each other

present, although Alexander didn’t know what made him connect the two to each other. “Do you guys know each other, Miss Sinclair?”

why I spoke to him. I guess you could say that we know each other!” Her narrative was flawless! If it were any other day, Alexander might have bought her story. However, there had been too many coincidences at that point—something told him that the situation wasn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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