Chapter 104,Coolest Girl in Town

“I’m not too sure about him getting first place, but I dare say that he’ll be in the top three.” After Elise provided her solid opinion on the matter, both of them walked toward the exit with Elise leading the way. As they were heading out, Elise noticed something from the corner of her eye.

She saw Alexander standing beside Wilson, and she was immediately intrigued. “Hey, Jamie. I need to use the washroom. Why don’t you wait for me outside?”

Jamie didn’t seem to suspect anything. “Go ahead, then. I’ll wait for you at the exit.” After that, Elise made her way toward the washroom with her gaze still fixed upon Alexander. She ended up hiding in a corner where she could hear Alexander’s voice. “You did pretty well today.

You just need to be a little more stable.” “My condition is much better today, and it’s all thanks to your advice, Mr. Griffith. I’ll do my very best for the finals tomorrow,” Wilson replied in a humble tone. Alexander patted him on the shoulder. “Go get some rest.” Once their conversation was over, Wilson walked off.

Elise seemed to have understood something after hearing their exchange. Could Wilson be under Alexander? Does that mean that Alexander has been secretly training a racecar driver to participate in this international event? Elise figured that it was something that Alexander would do—she could tell that Alexander was a fan of racing, after all.

Elise had no intention to stay any longer, so she walked toward another exit to leave the stadium. However, she had only taken a few steps when she saw Alexander walking toward her. They came face to face with each other, and Elise greeted him since she had no reason to avoid him.

“Hello, Mr. Griffith. What a coincidence! We meet again.” This time, Alexander took a long, thoughtful glance at the woman before his eyes. I just realized something. Joy gives me a strong sense of familiarity because she gives off an aura that’s similar to Elise’s. Furthermore, Joy’s jet-black eyes remind me of Sare!

came as a shock to Alexander. “Are you heading back now,

event is over for today, after all. I’ll be here to watch the finals tomorrow.” He nodded in agreement. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then!” “See you!”

sound of a gunshot coming from inside the stadium! The gunshot was

would there be the sound of a gunshot at a place like this? Alexander’s still in there! Upon that thought, she no longer cared about anything else. She went against the flow of the crowd as she ran into the stadium. Tons of people bumped into her yet it didn’t seem to slow her down, and she continued running into the stadium. Suddenly, she tripped on something and flew forward to crash directly

people continued to bump into her as they rushed out of the stadium. She was nearly shoved against the

recalled that Joy was his grandfather’s friend’s niece. He thought that it’d be rude of him if

at that very moment. I think I’ve fallen for Alexander. As much as I don’t want to admit this, it seems to be the truth! I wouldn’t have run in to look for him

to panic even more after hearing the second gunshot, and they all charged toward the

they had run for ages before they finally came to a halt. “I can’t… I can’t run anymore…” she uttered between breaths. Alexander looked at her before looking around him. “I think we should be safe here!” Elise’s legs turned to jelly after she heard

words. “I wonder what happened. It’s legal to own guns in France, but I don’t think it’s safe to come here anymore. You shouldn’t watch the competition tomorrow. Let me send you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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