Chapter 108,Coolest Girl in Town

Alexander knew that it was cruel, but it was the truth! “Grandpa, you’ve taught us the importance of unity ever since we were young. Unity is what makes the family grow and flourish—I’ve always kept those words in my heart. However, this incident taught me a huge lesson, and it nearly ended the entire Griffith Group.”

Jonah’s breaths grew even more shallow as he listened to what Alexander had to say. With the swing of his hand, he sent the teacups on the table smashing onto the ground.

Clink! Clang! The glass shattered on the floor. “B*stards! All of those b*stards!” Jonah howled in anger. Alexander hastily attempted to calm him down. “I only told you about this today to keep you updated on the situation, Grandpa. Right now, I already have plans to deal with this, and I hope you can trust me to follow through with my plan.” Jonah understood what Alexander meant immediately. “I have no objections. He did such a terrible thing that even I wouldn’t allow him to get away with it.

However, I have to remind you that he’s still your biological brother. Although you guys don’t share the same mother, you guys have the same blood coursing in your veins. You should know your limits—that’s the final piece of decency that we can extend to him.” “I understand, Grandpa.” Jonah sighed.

“I’ve never had to worry about you ever since you were a child, Alexander. I trust you a lot, and I feel safe handing a company as large as Griffith Group to you. You can go ahead with your plan, and you can always let me know if there’s anything that you can’t handle.” “Alright, Grandpa,” Alexander replied. Jonah seemed extremely drained at that point. “Okay, go on then! You should handle this matter now.”

to Griffith Residence, she instantly sensed the distinct heaviness in the household. She bumped into Alexander, who was walking out as she entered the house. “How are things in

she asked. He was about to reject her, but he surprised himself by nodding after he saw the anticipation in her eyes. Elise quickly followed him after seeing his response. Once they got in the car, Alexander handed her a stack of documents. “I need you to organize these documents. I’ll

so focused. “How are things at the company, Cameron?” Cameron hesitated for a moment

to do anything.” Alexander nodded. “Let’s prepare for the worst. I think our shares will crash tomorrow.” Cameron was shocked to hear

you to tell all the staff that they don’t need to work overtime tonight. Tell them to get off work on time!” Alexander ordered. “I’m afraid that might be tough, President Griffith. If all of them end work on time, how is the company going to continue

make the announcement now.” As Elise organized the files, she went through all of the clients who were related to Griffith Group. Many

a sudden. The Keller Group? Isn’t that Jamie’s family business? Are they ending their contract with Griffith Group as well? Does Jamie know something about this? Elise didn’t hesitate, not even for a second, to give Jamie a call. “Jamie!” Jamie was in the midst of playing a video game, but he didn’t mind abandoning his teammates when he saw that the call was from Elise. “It’s so late, Boss. Are you calling me for

“I have some questions for you.” Jamie immediately understood her intentions after hearing her words. “You’re calling to ask about Griffith Group, right, Boss?” When Elise confirmed his suspicions, Jamie looked around before getting up and walking to the balcony. “If you’re asking about this, I’d like to tell you that I wasn’t aware

the Griffith Family needs to be really alert. They shouldn’t ruin their sibling relations over such matters.” Elise’s gaze darkened as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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