Chapter 109,Coolest Girl in Town

After years and years of being solitary at work, Alexander had gotten used to dealing with all the harshest matters on his own. He had never known what it felt like to have someone quietly supporting him by his side. Yet, he could sense a special sort of warmth coming from Elise right then.

He parted his lips and grinned before he knocked Elise’s table gently. “Wake up. You can sleep when we’re home.” In a daze, Elise opened her eyes and turned to see Alexander standing behind her. She was startled—every last ounce of sleepiness left her body as she sat upright in her seat.

“What are you doing here, Alexander?” He pointed at the clock hanging on the wall. “Why don’t you take a look at the time? You should go home to get some rest.” She gazed at the clock to see that it was already 11.00PM, so she quickly shut her laptop. “I’ll go home now.” “Let’s go together,” he uttered with a smile. When both of them got into the elevator, Elise couldn’t stop herself from asking him a question.

“President Griffith, the company isn’t in a good state. The loss of clients and the departure of staff members both have a huge impact on the business. If this goes on, Griffith Group might…” She couldn’t bring herself to continue speaking, but she knew that he would understand what she meant. Initially, she thought that she would sound like she was bad-mouthing the company by saying such words during such a critical period.

She had assumed that Alexander would get mad at her, yet there wasn’t a hint of frustration in his face. “Don’t you have any faith in me?” he asked in return. She shot him a questioning gaze. When he remained silent, she found herself getting nervous. What does he mean when he says that? Does he have a plan already? “Can you make your message clearer, Alexander? Stop making me guess what’s in your mind,” she mumbled. He chuckled softly. This was the first time Elise had ever seen him smile, and she found herself mesmerized by his laugh.

his hand toward her. He paused in the middle of the air for a second before he stroked her hair. “Don’t worry. Nothing bad is going to happen to the company. You shouldn’t trouble yourself with these matters. Go home and get a good rest. Perhaps everything will be different once

reached for her phone and checked the clock before she sat upright in her bed. “It’s already so late? Why didn’t anyone wake me up?” she cried. After a quick shower and a change of clothes, she hurried down the stairs. The maid hurried to Elise when she saw

me not to wake you up, Miss Elise. He said you worked too hard last night and

still crashing?” she asked. Stella had no idea about the state of the stock market, and Elise had no interest in having a meal. Elise hurried out of the house

Griffith Group announced a new partnership with one of the largest businesses in the entire nation. When the stock market opened at 10.00 in the morning, the Griffith Group’s shares went up in value. Everything seemed extremely promising, so Elise was

Elise gave them a polite nod before she went into the elevator. When she got to the highest floor, the large office area appeared to have returned to its usual, bustling self. She

national level. All we have to do is put our trust in him.” Cameron’s words made Elise think about what Alexander had told her the night before.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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