Chapter 110,Coolest Girl in Town

Alexander said, “Patricia’s my mother’s friend. She’s a good cook, and I come over sometimes to have lunch. You should try her dishes.” Elise nodded. “Sure. Any recommendation from you can’t be bad.” Alexander arched his eyebrow and chuckled. “Don’t blame me if you don’t like it though.” Okay? 

The food was served a short while later, and Elise quickly dug into the tantalizing food. Once she had a bite, her eyes lit up. “Not bad.” Alexander filled her plate up with some fish. “Here. The fish is nice too.” Elise started wolfing down her food. She was starving, and the food was too delicious to be passed up on.

Alexander kept filling her plate up, and he looked delighted seeing her eating so happily. Patricia could see that the couple would be happy with some more alone time, so she served a big bowl of soup. “Here’s one of our signature dishes. Have a taste.” Alexander took the ladle. “I’ll do it.” Patricia handed the ladle over to him. “And I thought Alexander would grow up to be an uncaring man. Seems like I was wrong.” Elise looked at Alexander.

At the same time, he was handing her a bowl of soup. She immediately said, “It’s fine. I can do it myself.” Alexander didn’t let her. Instead, he put the bowl down in front of Elise. “Just dig in.” Patricia smiled. “Enjoy your meal. Call me if you need anything.” Elise thanked her. Alexander sent her back to school after lunch. Even though Elise kept taking days off, her teacher never scolded her. Ridden by guilt, she knew she had to work twice as hard to repay their kindness.

you.” Elise put her pen down. She wondered who wanted to see her, and she went to find out the answer. When she came out and saw Matthew

the school. “Say what you have to say and leave,” Elise snapped at him. Matthew

“I’m pretty sure it has to, Matthew. I was kind to you because I thought of you as a friend, but then I was proven wrong. I thought you didn’t care about fame and fortune, but no.

Matthew’s face. “Now you’re just overreacting. I’m just trying to get what’s rightfully mine, but they denied me. Why shouldn’t I fight for myself?” “You should, but you shouldn’t have used me for it.” A storm brewed within Elise’s eyes, and she shot back, “You were just pretending to be kind to me because you wanted to use me, didn’t you?

friends instead of fighting fairly. It’s disgusting.” Even though he was insulted, Matthew only smiled. “This is a misunderstanding, Elise.” “Don’t call my name, Matthew. We aren’t as close as you think.” Matthew shrugged. “And how do you know I was pretending? I might just like you for real.” Elise stopped him before he could say anything. “Hold it right there. Keep this up and you might even believe

want to waste any more time with him. “I don’t know what you want from me, but I’m telling you now that I want nothing to do with you or your plans.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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