Chapter 114,Coolest Girl in Town

Elise paused for a moment. She was a double degree graduate and only came to Athesea’s high school because of a bet with her grandfather. She never considered any education after high school, since she had graduated from University of Edinburgh with a double degree already. Going through college for the second time was pointless for her. Elise shook her head. “Not exactly.” Zachary said, “I’m aiming for Princeton.” The top college in the nation?


 Elise said, “I wish you all the best then.” Zachary looked at her seriously and pursed his lips. “Elise, it shouldn’t be a problem for you to get into Princeton if you want to. You can consider it.” Elise didn’t answer that. Instead, she said, “I don’t really like Princeton.” In other words, she would never opt for that college. Zachary was crestfallen for obvious reasons. Princeton was the top college in the nation, and his family wanted him to get into it, so he had no choice but to do it.

But that meant he couldn’t meet Elise, since she was not interested in it. “It’s fine. As long as you’re in Northcliff.” Elise knew what Zachary was trying to say, but she had to give him a clear-cut refusal. Dragging things out was a big taboo in relationships. She wouldn’t give anyone even the slightest bit of hope if she didn’t like him. “I might not be going to any college, Zachary. You don’t have to stubbornly cling onto me. You’ll be living a great life and meeting a lot of new people.

too obsessed over me. You might just meet the girl of your life tomorrow.” Zachary was looking at her, but he didn’t seem to hear what she just said. “I know, but I’ll still go on.” In other words, he didn’t mind that his love was unrequited. Even though she had no romantic interest in him, that wouldn’t change how

but she couldn’t shake the weird feeling she got from meeting Zachary. However, she couldn’t put a finger on why she felt weird, so she put it aside for the time being. Right after she came back into the hall, she saw Alexander in the

group of rich ladies, come up to her. Elise smiled mirthlessly. “Anything you need, Miss Lawson?” No matter how many times Ashlyn saw her, she could never understand why Elise had the guts to stand among them. She’s so basic and ugly. “Is this the lady you told us about, Ashlyn? She looks special,” one of the ladies

she’s a brave one. I don’t think we get that kind of people in our circle nowadays.” Queenie dismissed what her friend said, and she looked at Elise in contempt. “She’s just dragging our class down. Now I feel all dirty knowing someone like her is breathing the same air as me.” Elise knew the girls were here to cause trouble at once, but she wouldn’t give them the pleasure. “Well, you

You’re the trash here! Get a mirror for Pete’s sake.” Another lady called Nelly agreed, “You know, you can get first prize even without any makeup on in a Halloween costume contest. If anyone here is ugly, it’s you.” Elise crossed her arms and stared at the ladies as she replied without skipping a beat, “Honestly, I might be ugly, but at least I’m not a

funny. I can jog your memory for you if you’ve forgotten all about it.” Ashlyn could hear the implicit threat. She came here in the first place to embarrass Elise, but she never thought Elise would manage to shut her down so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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