Chapter 115,Coolest Girl in Town

Elise went back and strolled around the hall, but in the end, she took a seat on the couch, bored. A short while later, Alexander came to sit beside her. “This might take a while. You can go to the cabin if you want to.” Elise nodded. “I know. I’ll go in a bit.” Since Elise hadn’t eaten much, Alexander went to take some snacks for her. “Here, eat something. Don’t starve yourself.” Elise looked up at him. “Thank you.” “It’s been a while, Mr. Griffith.”


One of Alexander’s business partners came over to talk to him. Alexander gave Elise a look that said he had to leave for a while. Elise nodded at him and told him he could go. Alexander started chatting with his business partner. “We’ll be in your care now, Mr. Griffith. A toast to our continued success.”

The business partner took two glasses from the waiter and handed one to Alexander. Alexander only took one sip, but his business partner downed it all in one gulp. “I look forward to the partnership, Mr. Griffith.” Alexander nodded. A while later, more company presidents went to chat with him.

Alexander talked with them and kept sipping from his glass. He didn’t drink much, but eventually, his glass was emptied. At the same time, Queenie was looking at Alexander smugly, then she grinned at Ashlyn. “It’s a powerful aphrodisiac, so be ready, girl.” Ashlyn looked delighted. “If it means I can get my hands on him, I don’t care how powerful it is.” Queenie knew how much Ashlyn wanted to marry Alexander, but she had to warn her as a friend.

Even if he doesn’t care about me, he still has to do it because of our families. And today’s my dangerous day, so if this works, I might get knocked up, and his family won’t allow his child to be born a b*stard. He still has to marry me one

slip, and I’ll be sticking to the plan tomorrow. If this works, you better give me what I want.” Ashlyn said confidently, “Oh, don’t worry about that. I never go back on my

didn’t think so. “Don’t worry. They won’t ever find out, and besides, so what if they did? We’re the accomplices, not the mastermind. No matter how powerful he is,

perfect man who can be her partner for the night. Her room’s right next to Ashlyn’s. They might even hear each other.” The witches chuckled, their eyes glinting with malice. After Elise finished her snacks, a waiter came over with a tray filled

a try, miss?” Elise took one glass and said thank you. She liked cocktails, so she took a sip, and it felt delicious.

right side of the corridor. Just walk straight from this side.” She

before closing the door behind her. Then, she

the corridor. Every inch of him screamed perversion, and he looked just like a thug. “Dammit! I’m not there yet?” the man cursed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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