Chapter 116,Coolest Girl in Town

A long, long sleep later, Elise woke up feeling even more uncomfortable than she was before she went to bed. Her throat felt parched, and she tried to quench her thirst with a glass of water, but it didn’t help one bit. Instead, the water only fueled the flames within her. “What’s wrong with me?” she mumbled. Elise took another big gulp of water, but it still didn’t help. Instead, she was starting to sweat. “Why am I sweating? Hm, the room’s probably too hot.” She thought that must be it, so Elise went outside. She wanted to get some fresh air on the deck, but she bumped into Alexander the moment she came out.


“Alexander? Why are you here?” At that very moment, she felt like Alexander was different tonight, and she was overwhelmed by this urge to pounce on him. “Alexander, y-you look so sexy tonight,” Elise blurted, perhaps a bit more honest than she wanted to be, but in her defense, she had no idea what she was saying. Alexander thought something was off with her. Her face was unusually red, and when he touched her forehead, his face fell.

“Someone drugged you.” Elise looked at him dumbly. She kept gulping as she held down her urge to pounce on him. All she wanted to do was to get closer to him. “Alexander—” Before she could finish, Alexander dragged her back into the room and slammed the door shut, then he took her to the bathroom. “What are you doing?” she asked. Alexander didn’t elaborate. He turned the faucet on and filled the tub with water. At the same time, everything started spinning around Elise. She shook her head to clear herself up a bit, but that started making her see doubles.

“Hey, there’s like a dozen of you here. Am I hallucinating?” Alexander shoved her into the tub. Elise reflexively covered her face right before she made contact with water. Even when she was half-conscious, she still didn’t want to ruin her makeup. When the ice cold water splashed against her skin, Elise was jolted awake. She looked up at Alexander, and the doubles were gone. “What are you doing?” she asked. Alexander stared at her and was about to answer, but he felt his belly tensing up, and his breathing turned heavier. Sh*t. I have a bad feeling about this. 

nodded dumbly, then Alexander went out and closed the bathroom door. He was experienced enough to know

made a decision and went back to the room to find something. In the end, he saw a rod lying around, so he took it and speared his thigh with it. A searing pain shot up

Before he could finish, the phone went dead. Dammit. No signal again. Left with no choice, he kept the phone and glanced at his bloody leg. I have to do this. He held the rod up again and speared his

but her lust was stoked the moment she came out of the bathtub. “What is the meaning of this? Open the door!” “Just get back into the

better. The both of

and drifted to sleep. Time dragged on. When the aphrodisiac wore off, it was already late night. Alexander’s shirt was drenched with his sweat, and his leg was a bloody mess. He should have been in agony, but still he got

and saw Elise sleeping in the bathtub. She looked beautiful when she was asleep, and it stirred something within him. Alexander gulped, but he quickly looked away. “Wake up, Elise.” He strode over to her. “Don’t sleep. You’re going to catch a cold.” However, Elise was sound asleep, and he couldn’t wake her up. Plan

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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