Chapter 121,Coolest Girl in Town 

Elise helped Alexander into his room and to his bedside. “Take a rest.” After saying this, she had intended to leave, but he stopped her and uttered, “I’m thirsty.” Acknowledging him, she poured him a glass of water without any hesitation. “Here you go.” As he looked at the glass of water in front of him, he reached for it and took a sip. 

The temperature is just right. “Thank you!” With a smile, she replied, “No problem. Rest well. I’ll be going back now.” This time, he didn’t try to stop her and instead watched as she left the room. As soon as she closed the door, the expression on his face went back to normal.

Images of her kept popping in his mind as he gazed at the glass of warm water in his hand. For example, images of her accompanying him as he overcame difficulties with the Griffiths, organizing his documents at the company, and openly defending him in the public eye. All these memories of her were deeply imprinted in his mind. When did I start caring about her every move? And when did I start getting concerned about how she felt? 

He couldn’t find the answer to this question, nor could he get her out of his head. …… As night fell, Alexander had a long dream. In it, he found himself at a festive scene with guests coming and going. Curious, he moved through the crowd and arrived at a hall. “Mr. Griffith, will you take this woman to be your lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, till death do you part?”

Hearing the master of ceremonies’ voice, he was perplexed. I’m getting married? When was this decided? And who’s the bride? With all his might, he wriggled through the crowd to the front and finally saw clearly who the bride was this time. Elise? Why’s it her? Then, in his dream, she looked toward him all of a sudden and gave him a sweet smile. …… With a loud gasp, Alexander woke up from his dream. “Phew! It was all just a dream!”

at the clock on the wall. It was 3.00AM! Stunned, he couldn’t believe that he would have such a dream. It must have been because she had often


he might as well settle some of the company’s matters until daylight. As soon as the morning sun shone into the room, he changed into a tracksuit and went out. Meanwhile, Elise had a good

 Are his legs all better? Though she was puzzled, she looked away. Right after, she washed up and changed into a set of new clothes before going out. As soon as she stepped out, she bumped into Alexander. “Good morning!”


politely, he ignored her and walked past her back into his

racing furiously. “What’s going on?” Why am I getting more excited than before when I see her? “When are you coming down? I’m going to

anything wrong with your legs!

youthful and vibrant energy. As Elise got out of the car, she waited for Danny before entering the school. “Boss, could you explain the trigonometric functions to me? I took a look at the textbook last night, but I

this, she conceded. “The textbook only covers the basics. For the final revision, doing practice questions would be more helpful. I’ll lend you my exercise book later. It might be of help.” Happily, he beamed. “Thank you, Boss!” Then, the two walked into the classroom in unison. Previously, Danny had always been the perfect example of a student who was ignorant and incompetent, causing

and incompetent Danny started to take his studies seriously. He would pay great attention in class no matter what subject it was. Initially, the teachers thought that he was simply putting on a show, but this actually went on for a week, so the teachers were greatly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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