Chapter 122,Coolest Girl in Town

After finishing, Danny handed the chalk to Mr. Winfrey. “Here you go. I’ve solved it.” Looking at Danny’s mathematical solution, Mr. Winfrey couldn’t help but feel amazed. He couldn’t believe that Danny could improve so much in just a week. He even suspected that Danny had been acting ignorant and stupid all this while. “Well done! Your steps and answer are correct. It looks like you’ve improved a lot, Danny. Other students should learn from you.”


Immediately, the corner of Danny’s mouth tugged upwards as he made his way down the podium with his head held high while he enjoyed the attention that the other students were giving him because it was something that he had never experienced before in his 18 years of life. “You did great,” Elise whispered to him. Right then, he smiled even brighter and whispered into her ear, “That’s because you taught me well, Boss.” “Don’t be glib.

The end is yet to come. We still have to work hard.” Hearing this, he gave her a formal salute. “Yes, Boss! I’ll keep up the good work!” With a smile, she resumed reviewing her practice questions and wrote in her book. During recess, he stayed in his seat and did revision exercises instead of doing what he would usually do. He even rejected his friends’ invitation to play basketball.

That day, what he said most was, “Boss, how should I answer this question? Could you explain question 17? How should I draw the force analysis diagram for physics? Can you teach me?” Even Mikayla was surprised by his sudden change of behavior. “Elise, why do I feel like Danny’s become a totally different person? Is he still the Danny I know?” Elise wasn’t sure how to answer this question, so she turned to glance at Danny and said, “I guess he’s really changed.

250 forever.” Confused, Mikayla asked, “250? What do you mean by that?” “His grades! His total score has always been at the edge of 250. Perhaps he came around and decided to stay away from such an unlucky number,” Elise explained. Upon hearing this, Mikayla couldn’t help but laugh. “Now

do much.” After all, a teacher would show the way, but the outcome depended on the student’s own effort. Elise knew this very well. After school, Elise waited at the school entrance for quite some time, yet Alexander still had not arrived. Even when most of the students had left, she still did not see his car. So, she


you not here yet?” However, it was Cameron who answered the phone. Staring at the tightly shut meeting room door, he explained, “Miss Sinclair, Mr. Griffith’s still in a meeting. I’m afraid that he won’t be able

on my own.” Though she had said so, a sense of disappointment overwhelmed her as soon as she hung up the phone. “Whatever. I’ll just call a cab.” Just as she was about to book a cab, a cool-looking Porsche stopped right in front of her. The window was wound down, revealing Danny’s charming face. “Get in!” She looked up at him. Without any hesitation, she kept


that he can’t pick you up today and asked me to do so instead. And I happened to be looking for you,” he said with a smile on his face. Humming a tune, he seemed to be

smiled sheepishly. In truth, she felt that he had been acting really weird that day, but she didn’t ask much until he brought her to a library. “Why did you bring me here?” she asked curiously. Rubbing his head embarrassedly, he told her, “Hahaha… To do revision, of course. This library’s owned by

in total. All the books were organized according to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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