Chapter 128,Coolest Girl in Town

The next day at 10.00AM, Lily was waiting in the office of the Griffith Group’s president office punctually. Upon seeing Alexander, she greeted him politely, “Hello, President Griffith.” Alexander plopped into the real leather couch and crossed his legs before saying casually, “Hi, Miss Lily. Actually, I asked you over today because I acquired a piece of blood jade recently, and I have a few ideas which I would like to share with you.”


Of course Lily knew how important this was, and she said, “Please tell me what you would like me to do, President Griffith.” Alexander leaned in, and they both slipped into a deep discussion. About an hour later, she left his office and returned to the design department. The other designers gathered around her and asked, “Miss Lily, did President Griffith look for you because of a new project?” “Yeah, share it with us quickly.”’

Giving them a soft smile, she answered, “There’s no new project. Let’s finish the work at hand and don’t gather around me.” Although nobody was convinced by her words, they had no one else to ask if she didn’t want to reveal anything to them. So, they returned to their work spaces. After everyone had left her alone, Lily opened the file in her hands and stared at the picture of the blood jade on the first page with wavering eyes.

Did President Griffith fall for someone? With this blood jade as the raw material, he had asked her to design a complete jewelry set with a lover’s theme. She didn’t dare to let her thoughts run wild and therefore made up her mind that she would finish this design with all her heart. …… … Early in the morning, Elise arrived at school, and a person came running toward her. Giving her a bear hug, Samantha said, “I missed you so much, Elise!” Looking at Samantha, whom she hadn’t seen in a long while, Elise noticed that she had gotten tanned. “How’s it like, living on the set?

You’re so tanned now.” With a cheerful look, Samantha held her arm. “I’ve been very happy this month, and I realized how meaningful it is to do something which I enjoy.” “Congratulations on finding your path in life,” Elise said happily. With a chuckle, Samantha replied, “This is my first piece of work, and the director said that I’m very talented. Really, I’ve already made up my mind to be an actress, and the director has also introduced me to another movie so that I can attend the audition tomorrow.

She lifted her head and looked into the classroom but didn’t see any sign of Riley. “Where’s Riley? Why isn’t she here yet?” “Maybe she’ll arrive later,” Elise said. “Okay,”


“I’m just borrowing her for a while; I’ll return her in a bit.” Although annoyed, Samantha decided to let it go, and when Elise returned after solving the problem, she grabbed her arm, asking, “Elise, it hasn’t been that long since I last saw Danny,

must have lost his mind!” Samantha gasped. Right after the words left her lips, Danny was already standing behind her without her realizing. “Hey,


Danny decided to ignore her, she continued, “It’s impossible for you to make it to the top five in class.” Expressionless, Danny turned to her, but

the entertainment industry just because you have a pretty face. There’s no lack of pretty girls in that industry, and there’s nothing special about your face at all. Even if you can find jobs as an actress, you’ll be a D-list

what I’m capable of! Just hold your jaw tight so that it doesn’t fall when it happens!” Unbothered by her, Danny turned and left, leaving Samantha stomping her feet in anger. I must become an A-list actress and get so many awards that I’ll bury this annoying Danny

best. I still think very highly of you.” Elise’s words diminished Samantha’s anger greatly, and she said, “Elise, keep your eyes peeled. I won’t allow myself to become a D-list

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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