Chapter 129,Coolest Girl in Town

Hearing this, Ronald immediately barked, “Jack, why didn’t you tell me about this earlier? This is a serious matter!” Jack also felt a little annoyed and replied, “I found this song under the computer desk. I wrote the first half.” Ronald shouted, “A scheme—this is all part of a scheme! Jack, it must be someone’s evil plan! What they are trying to do is to involve you in this dispute. Damn, this person is truly vicious.” Jack pursed his lips.


During his many years in the entertainment industry, he had been minding his own business, and he had never offended anyone. Who would actually do such a thing to him? “Let’s go and check the surveillance footage of my office’s door—I want to see just who placed this thing there.” However, Ronald stopped him and said, “Oh, darling! Now is not the time to find out the truth, but to give the public an explanation.

I will get someone from the public relations department to control the damage and to minimize the impact of this incident.” With that, Ronald took his phone to make a call. Seeing Ronald on his phone, Jack’s heart sank. No matter who framed him, he would go to the ends of the world to find the culprit. However, at this moment, the door of the office was pushed open, and Noel walked in. “This song is not plagiarized.”

He spoke at once. Immediately, Jack and Ronald looked at him at the same time. “Noel, what the hell is going on?” Noel replied, “This piece was written by H.” Both Jack and Ronald were obviously surprised, and Jack immediately uttered, “But the first half of this song was written by me.” The question was—how could H have possibly helped him improve the second half of his song? When Noel heard Jack’s question, he couldn’t exactly connect the dots, but he could roughly guess why Elise would help Jack.

It just seemed that Jack didn’t know Elise’s true identity, so Noel didn’t want to be the one to tell him. “Well, I’m afraid you’ll have to ask H herself for the answer to this question,” Noel said. Ronald also added, “If that’s the case, then this matter is much easier to handle. Let H personally clarify the misunderstanding, then the accusation of plagiarism will be eliminated.” Jack took a deep look at Noel. “I’m afraid this matter is not so simple.”

to me. I will try to convince H and let her come forward to clarify this issue. However, you also need to do some damage control because H’s fans are very powerful—we should


He looked out the window, thinking about what Noel had just said. Why did H compose a

to solve this trouble—she had to come forward as H to clarify the misunderstanding. However… She took out her mobile


years, she had never logged in to this account. She was afraid of seeing the messages from her fans who were eagerly awaiting her return, and she was also afraid of remembering what happened to her before. In fact, she didn’t want to face the past that she wasn’t brave enough to look back on, let alone face those bits and pieces. “Elise, school

together.” Mikayla gave her a nod, and after Elise had packed up, the two of them left the classroom together. “Mikayla, did you know that Jack Griffith is currently facing a

just happened to read about it on the hot search, so I asked.” Listening to what Elise said, Mikayla didn’t doubt a thing. She knew about Jack’s plagiarism scandal, but she was very optimistic about it, and it didn’t seem to bother her much. This was because she trusted Jack and believed that he would

Elise turned her head to look at her and asked, “Do you trust in him that much?” Mikayla nodded without hesitation. “He is my prince charming, my idol. After I’ve chosen to be his fan, I’ll support him wholeheartedly, and the premise of supporting him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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