Chapter 141,Coolest Girl in Town

Having walked out of Ferry Building, instead of going home, Elise walked alone along the side of the road. Her mind was cramped with dilemmas as she was perturbed. It wasn’t until a car suddenly appeared and honked nonstop beside her that she came to her senses. She turned her head to the side and saw a familiar car pulling up beside her. Alexander pushed open his car door and got out of the car. He headed straight for Elise. “What are you zoning out for?


Don’t you know it’s dangerous to dream and walk along the roadside?” His intonation was as serene as ever, yet Elise was able to find concernment within his words. She lifted the corners of her lips and forced a smile. “I was contemplating something and missed your horn. Why are you here?” Alexander, too, was surprised by the coincidence as he was merely out to sign a contract. However, to actually bump into her was quite dazing.

“And why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be in school?” He came back with a question of his own instead of answering hers. In response, Elise shook her head and remained silent. Somehow, she was behaving way differently than on other days. “Bad mood?” Alexander furrowed his brows, pondering how he could cheer her up. Unfortunately, he didn’t quite possess the experience to comfort a woman, so it proved to be somewhat of an inconvenience. Having come up with some activities girls would usually like, he inquired, “Wanna go shopping? Or get something to eat?

Or we can go for a simple stroll if you want.” After he said that, Elise gawked at him in confusion. Her heart that was tainted seemed to be affected as well. “Hmm… Let’s go shopping then.” For some reason, Elise didn’t feel like rejecting him, so she accepted his suggestion. After scanning their surroundings, Alexander remembered Griffith Group’s biggest mall that was nearby. “Shopping it is. Shall we?” And so, Elise got into his car. While she was staring out the window, Alexander sent a text message to Cameron.

before the staff members respectfully queued up in two lines at the main entrance. “Greetings, President Griffith, Miss Sinclair!” Alexander nodded his head in response. Very soon, a shopping guide came forth to serve Elise. “Miss Sinclair, what do you wish to see? Is it garments of the latest fashion, accessories, or perhaps you’re into beauty and skincare?” Initially, Elise assumed they were only doing

than that, we’ve also just received a new batch of bags that are limited edition.


turned to Alexander, who then waved his hand at her, signaling her to retreat, to which she heeded the instruction. Thereupon, Alexander accompanied Elise as she walked from one shop to another. Every single worker in the shopping mall tactfully approached to guide them. Even the manager of the mall, after hearing the news, consequently hurried over to see them. “If there’s anything you need, President Griffith, just give me a call and

I’m just passing by and looking around. There’s nothing important here. You may leave.” The manager hastily wiped the sweat off his forehead. Despite Alexander’s statement, he stayed around, serving them with utmost care. Meanwhile, as Elise didn’t expect to see such an


the items, Alexander notified the shopping guide, “These are all on me.” “It’s fine. I can pay for myself,” Elise hurriedly refuted. Nonetheless, the shopping guide didn’t dare to take Elise’s card. Eventually, everything Elise acquired in the shopping mall was afforded by Alexander. “Do you feel better now?” he quizzed. At that moment, let alone feeling better, it was as if she had visited the paradise every woman could only dream of, and the lavish spending was the best

out sure feels good!” Seeing she was not as moody as before, he revealed a subtle grin. “As long as you like it.” His words carried a huge hint of adoration, but Elise, who was still dwelling on her excitement from shopping, failed to acknowledge it. As they were about to finish shopping, a number of staff members helped them to carry bags of their purchase, following Alexander and Elise out the mall. However, as fate would have it, they ran into Ashlyn. Ever since the incident on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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