Chapter 142,Coolest Girl in Town

Ashlyn didn’t say another word and compliantly followed behind the man, but her eyes showed a hint of underlying dissatisfaction. How? How does an ugly duckling like Elise manage to live so vivaciously, and yet I have to suffer in such a way? …… When they arrived home, Alexander carried all the newly bought things to Elise’s room. This was his first time in her room, and he could detect a slight fragrance in the air as he entered. “Let me know if there’s anything else you need.


I’ll have Cameron bring it over to you,” Alexander said. Elise glanced at the pile of shopping bags in front of her and was a little shocked that they’d actually bought so many things today. “That won’t be necessary for now. We’ve already bought a lot, actually.” Alexander nodded and asked, “What do you want to eat for dinner? I’ll pass the word to the kitchen.” Elise’s eyes moved around as she pondered. She thought of something all of a sudden and said, “I want sticky pork ribs and roasted chicken.” Alexander made a mental note of her cravings.

“Sure, get some rest and just come downstairs when it’s time for dinner.” As he spoke, he left her room with wide and brisk steps. Elise cupped her face with one hand as she stared at herself in the mirror. Strangely, she felt like a girl who was being pampered by her boyfriend. Elise lay on her huge bed and stared at the ceiling above her; an image of Alexander surfaced in her mind and she couldn’t help but smile sweetly. Then, she rolled over and gradually fell asleep. Night approached steadily outside her windows. It wasn’t until a knock sounded on her door that Elise stirred.

She stretched lazily and checked the time—she was surprised to find that it was already over 7.00PM. “Dinner’s ready, Miss Sinclair.” The housekeeper’s voice came from outside her room. Elise quickly replied, “All right, coming.” Lifting her blanket, she hopped off her bed before putting on her slippers and leaving her room. On the way down, she bumped into Danny who was playing mobile games on his phone. He instinctively hid his phone at the sight of Elise and greeted her nervously, “Boss!” Elise looked at him and asked, “Have you been gaming again?” Danny admitted sheepishly, “Yeah…

nodded in response. “Okay. Have you done your homework? Is there anything you don’t understand?” To that, Danny quickly said, “Yeah, there are a few questions I don’t understand. Can we please go over them after dinner?” Elise hid the cunning look in her eyes as she stared at him. She replied readily, “Of course, but I have a condition.” Danny

controlled, but as he gave it some thought, it was indeed his own goal to pay attention to his studies in the first place. He wouldn’t be able to study well


as if he enjoyed being constantly supervised by her. The two of them went down the stairs one after another. The housekeeper said the moment they arrived downstairs, “Mr. Griffith has business to attend to this evening, so he won’t be having dinner at home. Young Masters Brendan and Jack also

a sweet smile. “Wow, we’re having sticky pork ribs?” Danny hastily pulled out a chair and sat down. Then, he immediately picked up his fork and knife as he prepared to dig in. At that moment, Alexander seemed to appear out of nowhere and bellowed, “Danny!” Danny froze on the


were craving. Why don’t you give them a try?” Danny realized then that the food on the table was specially prepared for Elise. It was no wonder his brother reacted in

all the dishes, neither Alexander nor Danny started eating. Alexander turned to Elise and said, “Give it a taste.” Elise cut a piece and took a bite. Instantly, the rich barbeque sauce melted in her mouth; it tasted no different from what she remembered. “It’s delicious. Please, dig in.” Danny had been itching

but she could taste a hint of charred residue on the meat. She assumed that the chef must’ve been careless with the fire as he was cooking it. Other than that, she didn’t give it much further thought. At that very moment in the kitchen, however, Stella was staring at quite a few slabs of pork ribs lying in the trash can, completely burnt and inedible. It was her first

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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