Chapter 144,Coolest Girl in Town

“Yes, my people have looked into it for quite some time but they didn’t find anything.” Charlene’s expression darkened even more. “I understand.” As she hung up on the call, her grip tightened around her phone. “What’s wrong, Charlene? Are you okay?” Charlene let out a scoff and shot her assistant a sharp glare. The one look was enough to send a shudder up her spine. “What’s wrong, you say? Are you hoping for something to go wrong for me?” The assistant quickly explained herself, “No, Charlene. I didn’t mean it like that.” However, the woman wouldn’t give her a chance.


“Just pack your things and leave now. I don’t want to see you ever again.” With those words, Charlene lifted her chin high and stomped away pompously. As she boarded her minivan, all she could think about was the fact that her people had failed to find even the slightest information on H. After all, H was clearly back in the industry, and she had to do something about it. Wait a minute. Since H wrote a new song for Jack, that means they’re acquainted. If that’s the case, I’ll be able to find H as long as I keep an eye on Jack. An idea popped up in Charlene’s mind as soon as she thought of that.

If she couldn’t find anything on H, she’d definitely succeed if she kept an eye on Jack. Meanwhile, Elise, who was still in class, had no idea about what happened. Seeing that her friend had been absent for the whole day, she sent Mikayla a text message after class. However, she never got a reply even after some time, and she didn’t think much of it either. Just then, her phone buzzed with a call. “Boss, they’re back at it again” Jamie’s voice rang in her ear. He was trying his best to track the other party, but they were too cunning indeed, so much that even someone as skilled as Jamie fell short to them as a rival.

“Just hold them back for now. I’ll be there right away.” Elise hung up and told Danny to fill the teacher in on her early leave before she rushed to Ferry Building. Jamie had been dealing with them for the time being up until Elise’s arrival. After sitting down, Elise didn’t immediately begin to track them down. Instead, she tried to contact them. ‘What do you want?’ Elise wrote and sent it over. Then, she waited patiently for a reply.

cursing out loud, “Who the f*ck is this dumb*ss?!” Elise knitted her brows. Her fingers ran across the keyboard as she typed, ‘I know you don’t mean any harm. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have continued talking to us for this long, am I right?’ The reply was yet another smiley face. This time, Elise was all out of patience. “Boss, let’s just

into the other party’s system. A short moment later, their IP address was already in her hands. Just then, the other party


Jamie suggested. However, the moment he said that, a line of words appeared on the screen. ‘I want you to come alone.’ Jamie felt like they were definitely planning something. “You shouldn’t risk going alone, Boss. You’re a girl, after all. We should

Even so, she didn’t know if she was reassuring Jamie or herself with those words. Strangely, though, she had a faint feeling that the unknown person behind the screen was someone she knew, and that they had no intention of harming her. And so, Elise wanted to give it a try and meet them in person. “I’ll send you a message every 30 minutes. Call for back-up if you


and looked around. She was quite literally in the middle of nowhere, but she was sure that this was the place. However, she couldn’t find anyone even after looking around. Elise started to suspect if she’d gone the wrong

walked up to the pond in the front yard of the mansion, two black German shepherds came running up to her. Elise

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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