Chapter 145,Coolest Girl in Town

Elise became somewhat curious when the subject was brought up. “Where did you find this guy, Papa? His skills are actually better than mine!” Quentin’s smile broadened when he heard Elise say so. “I just knew you would say that. That’s why I brought him here specially to introduce him to you,” he replied, before asking one of his bodyguards to call the person over. Elise’s curiosity was piqued. About a few minutes later, a dashingly handsome man came up to them with a gentle smile on his lips. “Owen, this is Elise whom I told you about,” said Quentin to the man. Owen Morgan looked at Elise.


Apparently, he never expected her to look like this; she seemed far from the stunning beauty as described by Quentin. A peculiar look flashed across his eyes, and Elise was perceptive enough to notice it. He said, “Nice to meet you, Miss Ellie.” Elise nodded politely with a smile. “Nice to meet you too. I’m Elise Sinclair.” Seeing how the pair introduced themselves in a stiffly formal manner, Quentin said with a smile, “You young people should be more energetic. It’s been so long since we last met, Ellie. You’ve changed a lot.” However, Elise pouted her lips with a troubled expression.

“Have you come to the point of loathing me, Papa?” “Hahaha! What are you talking about, you little girl? I’d never loathe you.” Owen chimed in, “Mr. Fassbender has always sung your praises in front of me, Miss Ellie. In his eyes, you’re undoubtedly the best person to ever exist.” “You hear that, Ellie? I’ve been thinking about you all the time. You, on the other hand, have completely forgotten about me long ago, haven’t you? You heartless little girl.” Elise stuck out her tongue in embarrassment. “I wouldn’t dare do that, Papa.” Luckily, Quentin merely meant his words as a joke that he definitely didn’t take seriously. “How are you doing these days, Ellie? Anything interesting to talk to me about?”

Elise held Quentin’s arm and told him about the interesting things that had happened recently. The two walked into the mansion as they chatted, whereas Owen followed closely behind them. Before this, Owen had only learned of Elise’s existence from Quentin, so he knew nothing about her looks and disposition. All he knew was that Quentin was very fond of this goddaughter of his, and that she had amazing skills as a hacker. After the previous two encounters, he had gained a fairly thorough understanding of her capabilities as a hacker. “Owen!” Suddenly, Quentin called out to him. “At your service, Mr. Fassbender.” Quentin replied with a laugh, “Spare me the formalities, you. I just have something to discuss with you.

Elise, but he really had no feelings for her at all. Therefore, he played dumb by replying, “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I don’t.” Quentin didn’t mind his response, though. He merely suggested, “Elise, you’re no longer a little girl, so it’s time for you to be dating someone. What do you think of Owen?” Elise was stupefied right

“I don’t feel like dating someone, Papa. I’m still a student.”


tell at all. How incredible. Just then, Quentin asked, “What do you think, Owen? Elise is my only daughter. Though she’s not my own daughter, I love her more than I love my own daughter. It’ll be a huge load off my mind if you two can get together.” Owen didn’t find himself drawn to Elise, but he didn’t turn Quentin down at this moment. “A romance takes time to grow, Mr. Fassbender.

didn’t expect this meeting to be a blind date. After rolling her eyes for a moment, she could only reply, “Sorry, Papa. I didn’t know you were trying to fix me up with someone. I’m already in a relationship…” Silence filled the air right away as soon as she said those words. After a few seconds, Quentin replied in a


you mention before that you’re in a relationship?” Elise blushed with embarrassment, but she, of course, couldn’t take back what she had said. Therefore, she could only lie, “We’ve just started seeing each other, so our relationship isn’t steady yet. I’ll definitely bring him to meet you next time.” Quentin couldn’t help but doubt whether Elise was telling the truth when he saw how serious she sounded. He had always thought highly of Owen, so he hoped that the latter and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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