Chapter 152,Coolest Girl in Town

Elise’s ankle injury wasn’t all that serious. By the next day, she recovered. Coincidentally, it was Alexander’s turn to send her to school today. “Thanks for yesterday. I owe you one. I’ll be sure to pay you back in the future when I get the chance to.” Alexander gave an evil smile as he looked at her. Those bottomless eyes of his were seemingly filled with boundless admiration. “Elise, I didn’t help you because I wanted something out of it. Why don’t you consider making this act real?” Elise was stupefied by that. It felt like something was stuck in her throat, and she began to cough violently.


Her face was soon a brilliant red. “W-What kind of joke was that?” Alexander’s initially tense heart relaxed at her words. He just wanted to test the waters, but it seemed that she didn’t feel that way toward him, so he followed the flow of the conversation. “Just teasing. If you really feel like you owe me, just leave that debt be for now.” Alexander strode out as he spoke. Elise’s forehead was beaded with sweat from confusion.

She just had the feeling that Alexander was being weird today. Right at that moment though, her heart also calmed down from its frantic hammering after she heard his words. No one knew just how bewildered she had been just now; she even thought that her ears were playing tricks on her. Fortunately, she had good self-control, or she would have ended up making a scene. She muttered to herself, “This guy… He’s actually learned how to crack a joke.” When they arrived at school, Elise got out of the car and waved at Alexander. “I’m going in. See you later.”

Alexander made an affirming sound, only leaving once he had seen her head inside. Not long after that, however, Jack parked his car in the same exact parking spot. Mikayla hurriedly undid her safety belt. “Dar—” She nearly called him ‘darling,’ but she ended up holding her tongue right before she said it. “Thanks for sending me to class, Jack, but I’m fine now. You don’t have to worry about this matter either.” Jack hummed. “So long as you’re okay. If you don’t feel well, text me. Don’t force yourself to weather through it. If you feel sick, you must go to the hospital immediately.”

from the car. She ended up looking back several times with each step she took before she finally set foot on campus, still reluctant

touched the tiny wound that still remained as she explained, “It’s nothing much. I just had a small accident. Everything’s okay now.” Elise sighed at that. “What are the odds? We even got into accidents at the same time.” “What’s wrong? Did something happen?” Mikayla quickly asked. Elise let out another sigh. “I


happen?” “It’s okay. It’s all in the past now. But, do you know who hit me?” Mikayla had excitement written all over her face. It boggled Elise’s mind. This was the first time Elise had seen someone not feel

hit you?” Elise suddenly recalled that day when she called Jack. He had said that he was at the hospital dealing with something. Was he there because he went to see Mikayla after he hit her? “Are you sure you’re okay? You’re not pulling my leg?” Elise asked in concern, but Mikayla shook her


though. After spending the last few days with Jack, she felt that Jack was a nice person. Not only was he handsome, but he was also an absolutely patient man. Most importantly, he had a sense of responsibility. He could have handed the situation off to his assistant or his manager, but he didn’t. He even kept a close eye on her injuries, and he would take time off to visit her in the hospital. In any case, Mikayla felt that Jack

marry him. …… Meanwhile at Orbis Entertainment, a fleet-footed man entered the room where Charlene was resting. “These are the photos that were obtained

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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