Chapter 153,Coolest Girl in Town

After everything was over, Charlene calmly got up and put her clothes back on. “Don’t tell anybody about this just yet. I have my own plans.” Satisfied with their earlier entanglement, the man was obedient. “Don’t worry. Your word goes. I’ll help you continue keeping an eye on him. If I dig up something else, I’ll be sure to inform you immediately.” Charlene was pleased by his answer. “All right then. That’s all for today. You can go back first.” The man got up, his reluctance obvious as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “How I wish I could be with you every second of the day.


I don’t want to part with you for even a moment.” Charlene chuckled. “There will be plenty of time for that.” A pleased look came over the man’s face when he heard that. After he leaned forward and kissed Charlene’s cheek, he left. Charlene looked at the bundle of photos after the man left, an idea already in her mind. She walked straight out of the room and headed to the reception counter. “Is Jack here at the agency today?”

“He is. According to the schedules, he should be rehearsing in the singing practice room today,” said the receptionist. Having gotten the information she wanted, Charlene thanked the receptionist. She then took the elevator up. Jack was currently rehearsing for a commercial performance. Right at that moment, the door to the practice room swung open. Charlene stood by the door and watched Jack practice, fascinated, but she didn’t interrupt him. Once Jack finished singing, she finally clapped. “Nice singing chops. No wonder you’re the most popular singer out there now.”

Jack’s brows furrowed slightly. He didn’t show any indication that he was delighted about Charlene’s sudden appearance. Instead, he coldly asked, “Why are you here?” Charlene didn’t mind his dismissiveness toward her though as she strode over to him. “I came to see you, of course. After all, the company has plans for us to collaborate and release a single together. I think it’s a good plan. Why don’t we give it a try?” Jack immediately refused. “Sorry, not interested. If you have nothing else to say, please leave. Don’t bother me while I’m practicing.”

Charlene wasn’t miffed by his answer. Instead, she laughed and followed him. “Who said that I’m done? I never just show up without a reason.” Jack was already at the end of his patience. “If you have something to say, say it. Otherwise, get out.” She wasn’t in a hurry. Instead, she smirked. “I heard that you’ve been dating someone recently, and your partner is even a high school student. Is that true?” At those words, Jack’s eyes promptly darkened. Although he had no idea where Charlene had gotten this ridiculous, made-up rumor, her words would definitely harm a girl’s reputation. “You heard? Do you have proof?” Jack asked. The smile on Charlene’s face widened, for she realized that Jack had gotten nervous.

in the photos were most likely real. “Don’t get yourself too worked up. I may have heard a rumor, but the informant was there at the scene. The informant even said that you two went to a hospital recently…” Jack could no longer bear to hear her continue. “If you’ve got anything to say, say it all at once. But I’m warning you—defamation is a


interest you with a deal, using the proof I have?” Jack wondered if Charlene had a few screws loose. “I don’t know what proof you’re talking about, but that won’t threaten me. As for the deal you mentioned, sorry, but

at all. Initially, she thought of using the material she had to strike a deal with Jack and manipulate her current position in the entertainment industry. But now, it was evident that she couldn’t use Jack for that plan. Charlene watched him, still unwilling to let things slip. “Are you sure? If the proof I have on hand gets leaked, your reputation might end up completely in


and attempt to make underhanded deals, then you have the time to spend on working on your craft. Other than a single song released when you debuted years ago, have you had any other works? As entertainers in showbiz, at the end of the day, we need skills to back up our words. Is there any point when you keep

she didn’t have any other works to show for herself. Her solo release had also been something that she had stolen from H years ago. Charlene quietly clenched her

only one left in the massive practice room. She looked at herself in the mirror, feeling like a joke. So that’s how you want to play it, Jack? If you won’t give me an easy time, you can forget about living well too. Charlene took out her phone and dialed a number. “Andrew, I have a huge scoop that I’d like to sell to you…” Upon hearing that Charlene had a scoop for him, Andrew scrambled to ask, “Who’s the unfortunate soul you set your sights on this time?” Charlene’s eyes darkened as she said, “Jack Griffith.” However, she hadn’t thought that

them, I’m going to be in seriously hot water if they decide to come after me for payback.” Charlene’s expression began to scrunch up. “What? Don’t tell me you’re scared too?” “It’s not a matter of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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