Chapter 169,Coolest Girl in Town

At that moment, Elise felt as if her world was spinning out of control and her face instantly blanched. “What did you say?” She staggered as the four words escaped her lips, but Jamie continued, “Three vehicles collided and it was a total mess at the scene. I heard that Alexander has been rushed to the hospital.” Elise could feel her hands trembling. “Which hospital? I’ll go there right away.” Jamie told her the hospital’s address and Elise immediately rushed out of the building.


When Cameron, who still had no clue about the incident, noticed Elise’s pale face, he asked, “Miss Sinclair, what’s wrong?” Elie grabbed his arm and she struggled to squeeze out even a few words. “Angelove Hospital. Take me there now. Something’s happened to Alexander.” As Cameron was completely clueless about the incident, he was left struck by her words. At that moment, he received a call that instantly caused the color to be drained from his face. After he hung up the call, he uttered in a hoarse voice, “Miss Sinclair, I’ll take you to the hospital right now.”

Cameron and Elise rushed to the hospital. At the hospital, Elise bumped into Alexander, who was sitting in the hallway with his clothes stained crimson and his face covered with bruises. At that moment, he seemed disheveled and dejected. “Alexander, are you alright?” Elise stepped forward and asked. At the same time, Cameron questioned, “President Griffith, how are you?” Alexander raised his eyes and met Elise’s. At that instant, he had a sense of despondency in his eyes, an emotion she found unprecedented on him, which reminded her of something. “Where’s Grandpa?

How is he?” Alexander then opened his mouth and muttered in a dry, hoarse voice, “He is undergoing emergency treatment inside.” It was merely a few simple words, yet saying them used up all his strength. Upon hearing that, Elise felt that her heart skipped a beat. She raised her eyes and looked at the illuminated sign hanging above the emergency treatment room while inwardly praying for Jonah. “Don’t worry, President Griffith. Mr. Griffith will be fine,” Cameron murmured, although he himself knew how futile it sounded. Alexander looked up at the ceiling while his mind kept replaying the moments when the accident happened earlier, and the scene when Jonah protected him.

fine.” Even Alexander was unsure whether he was comforting Elise or himself, but he could at least find some peace in those words. Just then, the lights above the door to the emergency treatment room were switched off and the

her legs go weak while Alexander rushed into the room. “Grandpa!” Jonah, who had lost his usual vigor, seemed to be breathing his last few


your hands. You have to run it properly. I’ll leave the responsibility of leading the Griffith Family to success in your capable hands.” Alexander looked at Jonah with reddened eyes, but he tried his very best to keep his tears in check. “I understand, Grandpa. Rest assured, I’ll make sure that the Griffith Group thrives.” His words made Jonah

after much consideration.” “Tell me; I’ll always bear it in mind.” Instead of replying to him, Jonah looked at the door and asked, “Is Ellie here?” Alexander nodded. “Yes, she’s just outside. I’ll ask her to come in now.” He then rose up to go find Elise. “Come in quickly. Grandpa wants to talk


her tears any longer. “Grandpa…” She never thought that something like this would happen to Jonah, who had been as healthy as a horse when

good children. I know that I won’t be able to pull through this, but I have a wish that I need the two of you to help me fulfill.” Puzzled by his words, Elise exchanged glances with Alexander, and the two of them reached a mutual understanding. “What

together and run the Griffith Family. Ellie, I’ll leave both Alex and the Griffith Family to you.” “Grandpa!” Elise sobbed, but Jonah smiled and mumbled in a trembling voice, “Alex is a fine young man. I’ll be relieved if the two of you are together.” Then, he turned to Alexander

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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