Chapter 170,Coolest Girl in Town

“Young Master Matthew, it’s no use crying over spilt milk since things have happened. Instead, we should contemplate our next step, especially on how we should handle Alexander in case he finds out about us.” At that, Matthew wore a vicious smile. “You asked me to think of what we should do, but what can we really do? And what can Alexander do even if finds out about us? The blood of the Griffith Family still flows within me. Don’t tell me he would choose to destroy his blood kin just to uphold justice?” Deep down, the assistant feared what Alexander would do, so he remained quiet for a moment before he responded, “Young Master Matthew, we should withdraw.


There’s still a chance to turn things around if we manage to save ourselves.” However, Matthew shook his head. “No, I’m not going anywhere; I will stay here and wait for him.” Seeing that he was unable to change Matthew’s mind, the assistant gave up. “Please take care, Young Master Matthew. We’ll cross paths again if fate permits.” With that, he left the room, leaving Matthew to sit alone in his office. Matthew slowly closed his eyes as he knew that whatever that was meant to come would come.

… Jonah’s funeral was held three days later, in which almost all the relatives of the Griffith Family attended. In these three days, Elise kept Alexander company in the mourning hall. The latter had been depriving himself of water and food for three whole days, which made him seem utterly haggard. “Alex, please eat something. You will collapse if you continue to act like this.” Danny came over to try to talk some sense into him, but Alexander kept quiet. Upon seeing that, he tried to get Elise to persuade Alexander instead. “Boss, please talk to Alex! Grandpa has passed away, so please let him leave in peace! Life still goes on for the living.”

Looking at Alexander, Elise understood how devastated he felt at the moment and any words said to him would be in vain. She gestured to Danny to leave, then said to Alexander, “Please eat something. Your body will break down if you carry on like this.” Her words evoked some response from him. He raised his eyes and looked at Elise with eyes so deep that nobody could tell what was going on in his mind. “Let me go somewhere first. I’ll eat when I get back.” Then, he rose to his full height and marched out of the hall. Elise immediately called out to him in an attempt to stop him, but it was to no avail, as Alexander strode off without looking back.

you manage to find out what I asked you to investigate?” At that, Cameron immediately handed him a document. “Yes. Everything is

off. When Alexander rushed to Matthew’s office, there was nobody around save for Matthew, who stood alone before the floor-to-ceiling windows while looking into the distance. “You are finally here.” Matthew’s voice rang out and he turned to face Alexander. “You came earlier than


at Alexander without even a hint of fear in his eyes. “That’s right. It was all my doing. Yet, Alexander, what I wanted wasn’t Grandpa’s life but yours. Grandpa died for you.”

me.” Matthew’s words instantly put a stop in Alexander’s attack. Alexander looked down at the other man from his height and scoffed, “You’re right—it’s a fact that won’t change even if I wallop you to death. In this case, I’ll make your life a living hell. Don’t worry, I won’t allow you to die so easily. I’ll make sure that you will live the rest of your


a pair of handcuffs to restrain Matthew. “Mr. Griffith, you are suspected of intentional homicide. Come with us.” Matthew tried to break free

when the police car left the scene did he avert his gaze. Matthew wasn’t sent to the police station directly; instead, he was sent back to the Griffith Residence. Looking at the familiar surroundings, he struggled non-stop. “Why did you bring me here? I don’t want to be here! Let me go!” However, the policemen took him straight to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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