Chapter 171,Coolest Girl in Town

Ever since Jonah passed on, Alexander became exceptionally busy. In the past, he had time to send Elise to school but nowadays, he couldn’t even spare that ten minutes of his time. Just then, it was Danny’s turn to send Elise to school again. “Boss, it’s nearly time for our final exam. Let’s go and study together at the library in the afternoon.” Elise, however, stared at the bare trees outside the window and pondered, I can’t believe that winter is almost over.


“Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, right?” Elise mentioned in passing. Just then, Danny quickly looked at the calendar and replied, “Yes, it’s the twenty-fourth tomorrow and it’ll be Christmas the day after tomorrow. It’s been forecasted that it’ll snow on Christmas. I wonder whether we’ll be able to experience a white Christmas this year?” Meanwhile, Elise retracted her gaze. “I checked the weather forecast and it seems that there will be snow this year. Let’s wait and see.”

They exited the car and walked side-by-side toward the school. As soon as they arrived at the classroom, they noticed everyone crowded around talking amongst themselves. “Apparently the TV program that Samantha starred in is going to be aired on Mango TV tonight. We must show our support tonight.” “Samantha has good acting skills. I’ve seen the trailer and it piqued my interest, so I’m definitely going to watch the program tonight.” Meanwhile, Elise pulled out her chair and took a seat. Just then, Mikayla rushed forward and said, “Samantha’s TV program will be aired tonight.

Let’s celebrate the occasion with her.” Elise hummed in response. “This is the first show she’s starred in and she has done a great job. I’ll arrange for some flowers to be sent to her later.” “Okay! I’m going to get her a present too,” Mikayla chimed in. At that moment, she scrutinized Elise carefully before murmuring, “Elise, does Jack have any new events lately?” Just then, Elise lifted her head and stared at Mikayla.

“Don’t tell me that you’re unaware of your husband’s schedule?” Upon hearing that, Mikayla was slightly embarrassed. “H-How would I know his schedule?! Well, I heard that he seems to be quite busy lately.” Meanwhile, Elise could kind of sense that there was something wrong behind these words. “Mikayla, what’s up with you lately? You seem to care a lot about Jack lately, don’t you?” She’s never behaved this way before. Just then, Mikayla—whose inner thoughts were revealed—hastily tried to cover it up.

find out his schedule, that’s all. It’s not as complicated as you think it is.” Elise could somehow sense that something was off, but she noticed that Mikayla was reluctant to talk about it so she didn’t persist. After all, it was winter right


had something else on, she could only let it slide. “Alright, then. You should

I? … Christmas Eve this year was exceptionally cold. One could see the snowy white scene outside upon pushing open the window. Elise put on a thick down jacket before going down the stairs. After Jonah’s passing, she had hardly seen Alexander. Unexpectedly though, today, he was eating


take a seat. Just then, she scrutinized his face as she ate breakfast. “Is there something on my face? Why are you staring at me like

there had been some issues at the company and some of their old employees started to become quite restless and raring to make a move.

be fine.” In response, Elise pursed

Elise unbuckled her seat belt and murmured, “I’ll head to school now.” Suddenly, Alexander called out her name and mentioned, “Do you have time tonight? Let’s have dinner together.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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