Chapter 187,Coolest Girl in Town

Meanwhile, Jack had rushed over to Mikayla’s house and caught her words in time. He stopped in his tracks when he came up to her, and there was an unreadable look in his eyes. When their gazes met, it was clear to see that she was utterly confused, and he could not see a trace of recognition registering on her face. “Oh, you’re here,” Elise said, drawing him from his thoughts. He turned to regard her with a look of askance. However, Elise was at a loss for an explanation, too. After hearing Elise sigh in frustration, Jack walked up to Mikayla and asked plaintively, “Don’t you remember me?”


Mikayla’s eyes searched his face, and with a shake of her head, she inquired, “Who are you?” Jack felt as if all the air had been sucked out of his lungs. He found himself answering without much thought. “A friend.” Comprehension dawned on Mikayla. Then, her gaze flickered over to Elise as she pointed out, “I don’t know why, but you’re so familiar to me.” “That’s because we’re best friends. We always will be,” Elise said firmly, clasping Mikayla’s hand in hers. Mikayla broke into a wide smile. “Really? That’s so good to hear. I thought I had no friends at all, but as it turns out, I have both of you!”

“Mikayla…” Jack pressed his lips into a grim line, and when he tried to say something again, he paused. After a while, he added, “Get some rest. We’ll drop by to see you another day.” A little displeased by this, Mikayla asked in a somewhat withdrawn voice, “Are you really going to visit me again?” Elise hummed in affirmation. “We will, and we’ll definitely help you recover your memory.” Mikayla beamed and agreed to let them leave for now.

“Okay. I’ll see you guys soon, then.” Elise and Jack looked grim after they had left Mikayla’s family home. Alexander, on the other hand, fell in step next to Elise, and he reached out to squeeze her hand as though giving her strength. “Any of you got an idea on how we’re supposed to help her regain her memory?” Jack asked, looking uncertain. Elise pursed her lips and said, “I’ve read about amnesia on the internet once. Apparently, the condition affects each patient differently; where some regain their memory in a couple of days, others could take months or years.

Jack lowered his gaze in despair. “I should have been with her in Switzerland. If I had, then maybe none of this would have happened.” “All the what if’s aside, we can’t change what has already happened,” Elise consoled. “Right now, all we can do is figure out a way to help Mikayla regain her memory.” “I know what

line, Jamie was still groggy with sleep as he tossed in the warmth of his covers. “Hey, Boss, correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s New Year’s Day today, isn’t it? Why are you looking for


turned out to be. You have to recover your memory soon, Mikayla, she found herself praying. Back at

“Happy New Year, Grandma!” Laura came around the corner and grinned at the younger girl. “You little brat,” she said affectionately. “Where did the both of you run off to early in the morning? Did something happen?” Elise closed the distance between them and looped her arm through Laura’s. “Whatever it was, it’s already been settled. What did you and Grandpa get up


A bunch of friends came over to visit us for the new year, but that was all. By the way, your aunt called earlier and said that she’d be arriving in Athesea later. She wants you to pick her up from the airport.” Surprised, Elise exclaimed, “I didn’t know Aunt Cynthia was coming back!”

how there were three hours before Cynthia’s flight landed. That being said, she was beside herself with excitement and hurtled up the stairs to change out of her clothes, determined to leave for the airport right away. She would have barreled out the door if Alexander had not pulled her to a stop. “Hey, calm down. I’m

Elise and Alexander soon caught a glimpse of the familiar figure sauntering toward them.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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