Chapter 188,Coolest Girl in Town

Now that Elise was exposed, she could only mumble reluctantly, “I dabbled in it.” At that point, Cynthia realized that she had had a foot-in-mouth moment. Does this mean Alexander has no idea of Elise’s alter ego? Swallowing, she shot Elise a fleeting, apologetic look and quickly interjected with what she hoped was a dismissive tone, “That was just a thought. I mean, if I have to be brutally honest, Ellie’s not good enough to come up with a brilliant design, so maybe it’s for the best that you let a professional handle it.” However, even as


Cynthia said this, Alexander still held onto the previous statement on Elise’s so-called ‘dabbling’ in wedding dress designing. When they pulled up at the Griffith Residence, Cynthia was so excited that she practically bolted out of the car and hurtled into Laura’s arms. “Mommy, I’ve missed you so much!” The Griffith Residence was filled with raucous laughter and even better cheer now that Cynthia was home; Laura and Robin, in particular, seemed to have wide grins permanently fixed on their wizened faces.

The days went by without anyone really noticing them, and in the blink of an eye, everyone was into the sixth day of the new year. That morning, Alexander texted Elise. ‘Come downstairs when you’re done washing up. I’ll be waiting for you by the cul-de-sac.’ Elise blearily searched for her phone when she heard it chime with a new message. Upon reading Alexander’s text, she felt all the sleep drain out of her, and she clambered out of bed toward the window. She pulled aside the curtain and immediately caught sight of Alexander standing by the yard.

What is he up to so early in the morning? Without wasting another second, she washed up and put on a fresh change of clothes, then went downstairs and into the front yard. “What’s going on?” Alexander’s gaze lingered on her briefly before he reached to open the car door for her. “Get in. There’s someplace I need to show you.” She stared at him warily, trying to figure out why he was being so mysterious. Nonetheless, she slid into the passenger seat, following which Alexander started the car and drove away from the curb. A few moments later, the car rolled to a stop outside Brendan’s atelier.

As it turned out, the festive spirit of the new year’s arrival did not dampen his workaholic tendencies, given how the atelier seemed to be bustling like it usually did. “Welcome. Do you have an appointment?” the receptionist at the front desk asked courteously. Alexander hummed in response. “I’m here to see Brendan. He’s supposedly here.” When the receptionist heard that they were looking for Brendan, she replied hurriedly, “Please wait here for a moment while I call Mr. Griffith.” She had only just said this when Brendan walked out from the main atrium of the atelier.

his brother, and while it was a little odd for him to think of her as his sister-in-law, he said nevertheless, “Hello, Elise. Come on in.” Elise stiffened at the slight awkwardness that came with Brendan addressing her, but Alexander did not miss a beat as he took her by the hand and guided her into the atelier. This was the first


are all the initial designs I came up with for your wedding dress, and there’s even a ready-to-wear piece based on one of them.

After all, as far as he was concerned, she was a non-expert and couldn’t possibly weigh in on his work. “Hold up—all that mystery and suspense just so you can bring me here to take a look at my wedding dress designs?” Elise asked Alexander incredulously. Alexander eyed her steadily and said, “Your aunt did say that you have an affinity for


had to admit that Brendan had a flair for designing. Where some of his designs were clearly imbued with elegance, others were a little

thought about how you carry yourself and came up with the design, so it suits you best. The ready-to-wear piece I mentioned earlier happens to be based on this. I could show you if you’d like.” A little stunned by how he had so accurately guessed her preferences, Elise nodded and said, “Okay, let’s take a look.” With that, Brendan brought them to the atrium next door. A mannequin had been positioned in the center of the room, and a white tarp had been draped

you want to try it on, Elise?” She nodded numbly, and Brendan had one of his assistants bring her over to the fitting rooms. At that moment, Brendan and Alexander were the only two left in the room. With a rueful sigh, the former commented, “Elise’s figure is gorgeous enough that she’d carry the dress well, but…” He trailed off, then added with a hesitant dry

in any way; I just think that women and vanity go hand-in-hand, and I’d hate to think that Elise would regret not looking pretty on her big day.” The hostility went out of Alexander

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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