Chapter 197,Coolest Girl in Town

“What? She’s migrating…” Elise trailed off before she quickly took her phone to contact Mikayla. However, a cold robotic woman’s voice greeted her instead. “Sorry, the number that you’ve dialed is unreachable…” A sad Elise kept her phone away while Danny tried his best to console her. “Don’t worry, Boss. She will surely contact you when she’s there.” If Mikayla hadn’t lost her memories, Elise was sure that she’d definitely be able to contact her. However, now that Mikayla had lost her memories, would it be the end of their friendship? It was after this that Elise started to zone out and she was unable to focus during class whatsoever.


The homeroom teacher entered with a beautiful girl during the third period. “Quiet, everybody. This is Jacinda Kate, the newest addition to our class. I hope everyone will take good care of her.” Everyone started clapping immediately to welcome Jacinda while she grinned in response. “Hey, guys. My name is Jacinda and I’ll be your new classmate from today onward. I hope that we can all get along with each other.” With such an angelic voice and innocent look, she had instantly captured most of the guys’ attention.

“Hey, Jacinda, why don’t you sit next to me?” Although a male classmate had extended an invitation for her to sit with him, she had turned him down. Then, she turned toward Elise and approached her. “Hey, can I sit next to you?” Elise frowned as the seat next to her belonged to Mikayla. Nevertheless, it was only a matter of time before it would be occupied since Mikaya had already dropped out. Although she was reluctant to allow Jacinda to sit next to her, she didn’t have any valid reason to reject Jacinda either. “Sure.” A smiling Jacinda replied, “Thank you.”

Then, she sat down and placed her bag in the table drawer while her gaze was fixated on Elise’s face. Is this the ugly Elise that my cousin sister has mentioned? How unappealing. I wonder what kind of charisma she has to be able to defeat my elegant cousin to become Alexander’s fiancée. What a joke. Jacinda coldly chuckled before she composed herself and whispered to Elise, “Hello, may I know your name? Also, can you tell me what class we have next?” “Elise Sinclair. The timetable is on the whiteboard and you can copy a set for yourself if you need it.”

her, Jacinda’s dislike against Elise only grew stronger. How dare that ugly monster try to act cool around me? Just you watch. … “Hey, Jacinda. Here’s some chocolate that I bought…” “I purchased these lollipops for you…” “Do you like any of these snacks?” Many of the guys in class tried to woo Jacinda, who really enjoyed the attention that they were showering on her. And with a gentle voice, she thanked them. “Thank you,

was moments later when she started complaining, “Are these people dumb? Who tries to woo girls with snacks and lollipops? Do they think that I’m a kid?” Then, she threw the snacks into the trash bin without any hesitation. Upon seeing that, Elise frowned a little but kept quiet. Unfortunately, Jacinda thought Elise was judging her and glared instead. “What are you staring at? Have you not received any gifts from guys before? Well, I


to talk to me like this? Do you know that I can destroy your reputation if I want to?” Jacinda threatened. It was obvious that she looked down on Elise. Elise could sense Jacinda’s hostility at this moment. However, she couldn’t recall that they had ever crossed paths before. Although it was their first time

she replied, “Thank you!” As he was used to her behavior, he didn’t say anything and returned to his seat. On the other hand, Jacinda knew who Danny was. In fact, she knew all about the Griffiths’ young masters. Nonetheless, she had only seen them in pictures; she never met them in person and didn’t have


unable to understand the connection even after pondering on it, she gave up and

still thinking of playing games? Leave me alone; stop bothering me when I’m studying.” Jacinda’s expression immediately changed the moment she was rejected and she didn’t know what to do next. Why is the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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