Chapter 198,Coolest Girl in Town

The moment Elise emerged from campus after class, she immediately spotted Alexander’s car from afar. Alexander opened his car door and immediately walked toward her before asking, “Are you done with classes?” Upon hearing his question, she nodded in response. Then, he held her by her hand and opened the car door for her. Many of her classmates started to comment about their interaction as they watched the scene unfold.


However, Elise couldn’t care less about what was happening behind her. As soon as Alexander entered the car, he started the car engine and drove off. “Are we heading home?” she asked. He gave a dry cough as he stole a glance at the notes he prepared before he replied, “Let’s dine out for dinner. After that, we’ll watch a movie in the cinema. I’ve already bought tickets for the rom com that just premiered.” Why does it feel like a date to me? A surprised Elise questioned, “Are you bringing me out on a date?” A soft hum was heard from Alexander as a response, which left her smiling from ear to ear and feeling inexplicably excited.

Soon, they arrived at an exclusive restaurant which served western cuisine. A man approached them moments after they sat down and were about to place their order. “Hello, Alexander! It’s been a while since I last saw you! I even thought I’ve mistaken someone else for you…” While raising his eyebrows, Alexander noticed that the man in front of him was his classmate from high school, Peter Simms. Although they hadn’t spoken to each other for many years, Alexander still politely greeted his ex-classmate, “It’s been a while, Peter.”

Peter was clearly aware of Alexander’s status as he had been trying to compare and compete with Alexander secretly throughout the years. Nonetheless, how could a small startup company like Peter’s ever defeat the Griffith Group, which had been in the market for more than a century? Now that he thought about it, he couldn’t help but be slightly jealous of Alexander. “Are you also here for dinner too? Oh, hello…” The nonchalant expression on Peter’s face suddenly darkened when he spotted Elise. Why is Alexander, the well known heir of Griffith Group, having dinner with such an ugly woman?

sank almost immediately as a result. Just as she was about to respond, Alexander reached out to give her hand a squeeze before introducing her to Peter, “This is

“Well, I don’t see how it has anything to do with you.” However, Peter seemed to be oblivious of the anger on Alexander’s face and continued to pull Alexander’s leg. “That’s not what I meant. Clearly, your choice in women has nothing to do with me. However, aren’t you embarrassed to be seen with an ugly lady like her?” At that moment, Elise silently clenched her hands into fists as she felt a sense of humiliation. Never did she expect that her appearance would bring Alexander such


instantly pissed off. “Who are you to call me a dog?! How dare you! I’m still your ex-classmate after all! I can still recall those days when

guess I should help them out by teaching you a lesson today.” Immediately, he stood up and walked toward Peter. Peter started to retreat backward as he was terrified by Alexander’s imposing manner. “W-What are you trying to do?” When Alexander saw how frightened Peter was, he didn’t


except for your boxers and leave. Otherwise, I will make sure that each and every property owned by your company will be gone by tomorrow morning.” A stupefied Peter’s legs caved in, which caused him to slump onto the ground. While staring at the man

the company would be gone by tomorrow morning. After contemplating for a moment, Peter decided to protect his company’s interests and forwent his own dignity as he started to remove his clothes. Even though the restaurant was bustling with customers, everyone couldn’t help but stop to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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