Chapter 216 Let Me Tell You the Answer ,Coolest Girl in Town

“Let me tell you the answer, then.” Elise glanced at Coner and spoke with a cold yet definite tone. And so, the former took the draft from Brendan and lifted her head to look at Coner. “You are indeed quite smart. You can tell what to plagiarize and what not to, but I have to say that you’re too sloppy. You didn’t even bother to look at the layout of the design carefully before you plagiarized it. Do you realize why it’s unsymmetrical? That’s because the draft that you plagiarized from was just my first draft. It was an incomplete design. Well, your skills are not up to par so you couldn’t even complete the work based on my original design, which is why the whole thing is not symmetrical.”


As soon as Coner heard the other woman’s words, she could feel her heart skip a beat. However, she instinctively denied it anyway, “I don’t understand what you’re on about. I didn’t plagiarize! This is my design…” Elise had already made her point quite clear, but Coner remained stubbornly unrepentant. In the end, Elise no longer bothered with the niceties and she brazenly flung the stack of designs onto Coner’s face. “I’ve met many shameless people in my lifetime but you’re really one of a kind! Designers are generally quite mindful of their reputation, but ones like you who even fail at plagiarizing one’s work should honestly drop out of the industry.”

“This is nonsense!” Coner roared back at Elise, refusing to admit to this offense as she attempted to use a loud voice to mask the truth. In the end, she shot a pleading look at Ashlyn and tried to seek help. However, Ashlyn was caught by surprise as well, as she didn’t expect this incident to be exposed so soon. In all honesty, she was wary of Coner blabbering and implicating her into this. In the end, she hurriedly interrupted Coner’s sentence.

knowing each other since university! I trusted you so much and even introduced you to my lifelong friend. Why did you do this?” Meanwhile, Coner looked at Ashlyn in disbelief. “That’s not true. It was—” “That’s enough.” At that point, Ashlyn interjected and immediately glanced at Brendan with an apologetic look on her face, “I’m sorry, Brendan. It’s my fault for not handling this situation well.

formal and distant. He no longer paid any heed to their personal ties. “There’s something that I think you should be

by her side. In the end, she lifted her head and looked at him as she stammered, “O-Oh? Is that s-so….” Nonetheless, Brendan mercilessly continued, “That’s why I’m quite curious as to

you guys somehow published it on the internet before Elise?” Somehow, Brendan’s words spoke volumes and Ashlyn couldn’t seem to find any excuse to deny this. Meanwhile, Elise, who was standing silently by the side, suddenly spoke up coldly. “That’s the most you can achieve anyway.

would make her sound convincing. “I…” Before she could even speak up, Molly strode into the room from the doorway. “Mr. Griffith, Miss Sinclair, I’m sorry but I told a lie…” In response, Elise

fact, I did bump into Miss Lawson but she paid me a large sum to keep it a secret. That’s why I didn’t tell you the truth. I owe you and Mr. Griffith an apology.” Molly’s words were practically the final nail on the coffin for Ashlyn. All of a sudden, Ashlyn went berserk and shouted, “You b*tch! What sort of nonsense are you on about?!” However, Molly paid no attention

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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