“Well, I don’t think I’m wise anyway. I’m quite annoyed too! After all, someone stole my design just like that!” Though Elise said that, she wasn’t too affected by it. After all, that draft was just a half-finished design to her. However, Brendan owed her big time due to this incident and this was something that she couldn’t ever obtain even if she was willing to pay for it. “Alright, let’s put this aside. However, I’ll probably need two more days to come up with the revised design.”


Upon hearing that, Brendan nodded in agreement. “That’s fine. I’m not in a rush for it so just take your time.” “By the way, about Molly…” At that point, Elise brought up Molly because she reckoned that the latter was quite talented in this field. If Molly was fired from their workshop, it was quite likely that her career as a designer would end here. Brendan, however, made his stance quite clear. “Molly’s my personal assistant and she’s also a part of our design team, but her actions are completely unforgivable.” Meanwhile, Elise hummed to indicate that she understood.

Although she felt that it was a shame for Molly’s talent to go to waste, she was unsympathetic of the woman’s current predicament. After she had gone back into her office, Elise stretched her back before taking a seat and continuing with her sketch. However, her creative juices were not flowing well at the moment and more than ten consecutive sketches were unsatisfactory to her. There was also a pile of balled-up papers in front of her table. When Alexander arrived, he was quite mindful to knock on the door before entering the room. Despite that, Elise was engrossed in her sketch and she didn’t give any response at all.

Left without a choice, he pushed open the door and walked into the room. He then casually picked up one of the balled-up papers from the ground and unraveled it, only to find that it was a sketch for a preliminary design. At that point, Elise heard his footsteps and she came to her senses. “Why are you here?” Alexander lifted his head to glance at her before replying, “It’s time to go home. You didn’t even bother to look at the time, huh?” It was only then that Elise finally noticed the time. She sheepishly rubbed her temples, she murmured, “I don’t have much left to do.

time. I’ll give you a shoulder massage.” “That’s not necessary. I’m fine.” Though Elise had rejected his offer, in fact, she actually felt that her shoulders were quite sore. However, Alexander didn’t even give her a chance to respond. He went to stand behind her and placed his warm hands on her shoulders before gently giving her a massage. At that point, Elise felt her

already impatiently grabbed a pencil and started on her sketch. Meanwhile, Alexander didn’t seem to be in a hurry, so he took a seat next to her and waited silently. Neither of them spoke a word in that cramped little room and there was only the sound of

“Let the person on the night watch know not to disturb them.” “Sure, Mr. Griffith.” Subsequently, Brendan turned around and walked out of the office. The office was brightly lit up though the night had fallen. As soon as Elise completed her final stroke on the sketch, she unconsciously stretched her back. “It’s finally completed!” Just then, she turned around to look at Alexander. He was still seated cross-legged at the same position

took a closer look and realized that he had, in fact, fallen asleep. And so, she quickly took a blanket and quietly went over to place it on him. She was just about to go and shut the door but the next minute, a pair of warm hands inched toward her and Alexander hugged her waist. “Have you completed the sketch?” Meanwhile, Elise was slightly caught by surprise as his hoarse voice rang out lazily. She hastily replied, “Yes, I’ve completed it. We can head home now.” However, Alexander tightened his

lights suddenly go out?” Elise asked frantically. However, Alexander comforted her, “I guess it must

him and he trailed along behind but upon reaching the entrance to the office, they realized that the door was locked from the outside and there was no way of opening the door. Just then, she shoved

Alexander frowned and hollered, “Who’s there? Who is it outside?” The people by the door were frightened out of their wits to hear someone inside and there was a sound of something dropping from their hands and then spilling all over the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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