Chapter 223 Unbelievably Stunning,Coolest Girl in Town

One needed to comprehend that the client who ordered the custom-made wedding gown was the renowned Snyder Family of Athesea. Hence, if Brendan failed to deliver this order, he would have a tough time receiving such a worthy order again. “You’re welcome. Now that I’ve been busy for a couple of days, I’m so exhausted!” Elise mumbled before she yawned. Then, Alexander wrapped his arm around her waist and said to Brendan, “I’ll take her home for a rest.” Brendan hummed in response and he immediately arranged for the driver to chauffeur Elise and Alexander home.


As soon as she entered the car, she could no longer fight her exhaustion and fell asleep while leaning against Alexander. While looking at her deep asleep, he involuntarily reached out with his hand to tuck a strand of loose hair behind her ear; a hint of distress flashed across his eyes when he saw the dark circles around her eyes. “What should I do with you…” he murmured with a tinge of helplessness in his tone, but Elise merely turned to her side and continued her sleep in a comfortable position. When they arrived home, Alexander carried her in his arms and headed into the house instead of waking her up.

Upon seeing them, a tactful Stella steered away from them, but she couldn’t help peek at them from behind. Mr. Griffith would be relieved if he knew how close Young Master Alex and Miss Sinclair are. Elise had slept for a long time; it wasn’t until the afternoon of the next day that she woke up from her dreams. When she opened her eyes and saw the familiar furnishing in the warm sunlight that poured into her room from the window, a pleasant curvature appeared at the corner of her lips. She fumbled around for her phone. When she switched it on, she saw that she had a voice message from Brendan.

up and will be there later.” In less than a minute, she received Brendan’s response. “Take your time. The client hasn’t arrived yet.” She kept her phone away and briefly washed up before she exited her

before she questioned, “Where’s Alex? Has he gone to the office?” “No. He’s in the study. He had Cameron send his work documents over.” She hummed in response, feeling a little surprised

Elise’s favorite. “Miss Ellie, please enjoy your meal. Let us know if you need anything.” “I understand. Thanks, Stella.” Then, Elise picked up the utensils and started relishing the meal. She was in a high spirit as she enjoyed the feeling of being cared for by someone. She was almost done with her meal and in setting aside her fork and spoon when Alexander happened to walk down the stairs elegantly. When he saw her, he questioned, “When did you

so I didn’t tell you.” “I have to head out to get something done. So, I’ll return at night. You, on the other hand, should stay at home and rest. Don’t burn out.” Alexander approached Elise and patted her head as he stated that, so she quickly asked in return, “Where are you going? I’m heading to Brendan’s studio later. Maybe

any problem with it, she can tell me directly and I can help to alter it on the spot, so I cannot be absent.” When Alexander knew that he was unable to change her mind, he could only surrender. “Don’t tire yourself out too much. Come home once you are done.” After noticing that he finally agreed, a delighted Elise tiptoed and gave him a peck on his

asked, “What do you want then?” As soon as she said that, Alexander leaned in to press his lips onto hers. His tongue intruded her mouth and slowly ventured deeper inside… Since Elise felt that she was suffocating,

for you at the door.” Now that she had regained her freedom, she instantly fled and returned to her room to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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