Chapter 224 She Is Not an Ordinary Girl, Coolest Girl in Town

When Brendan heard Audrey’s comments, he finally felt the weight being lifted from his heart and looked at Elise with encouragement. After receiving his encouragement, she quickly approached Audrey and said, “I’m glad you like it, Mrs. Snyder! Please check to see whether you wish to have the waist area altered. I’ve left some extra space there because I was afraid that the dress wouldn’t fit. If you want to alter it, please let me know.”


Audrey touched her waist and she realized that the design of elastic folds used for the gown had cleverly concealed her slightly bulging belly, which not only ensured a beautiful presentation of her body, but also carefully considered the size of her belly. Suddenly, she had a great impression of Elise. Therefore, she pulled Elise over and whispered, “How did you know I’m pregnant?” Elise explained, “I have seen your measurements before. When I looked at the proportion of your body, I noticed that the size of your belly is a bit off, so I took a gamble and guessed that you might be pregnant.

That’s the reason why I specially left this extra space for you because the dress wouldn’t feel like it’s suffocating you. Not to mention, you’ll feel comfortable in it as well. Even if you have to wear the gown for an hour or so, you won’t feel anything.” As Audrey listened to the explanation, she suddenly had a huge admiration for Elise. “Thank you so much. I was worried that my pregnancy would affect the way I look for the wedding. After all, it’s every girl’s dream to look beautiful at their wedding and you’ve perfectly solved the problem for me.” Elise responded with a smile, “You’re welcome.

looks of it, it seems like I don’t need to help you to tighten the waist of the dress.” “Yes, it’s perfect this way. Also, I can see that your design is extremely unique. Looks like I have made the right choice when I asked

heart was filled with mixed feelings. If it weren’t for Elise, I wouldn’t have been able to secure this order. “Thank you, President Snyder! I’ll definitely send a gift to you and your wife’s wedding.” After that, he handed the card

“Miss Sinclair, I like you very much. This is our wedding invitation. I hope that you can attend with your fiance by then.” Elise looked at the red invitation whereupon she received it. “Thank you, Mrs. Snyder! I’ll be there in time.” She felt a burden being lifted from her shoulders after Ruben and Audrey left.

I heard that he and his wife were already a couple on campus. Their love goes all the way back to when they

family in Athsea, but the Griffith Family has little connections with them. Now, she has obtained a way to build good relations with them. “Elise, it’s not a bad idea to have a good relationship with the Snyder Family.” Of course, Elise understood his intentions, but she didn’t think much about it because she

took out her phone and sent a text to him. In the meantime, Alexander read her text and he thought about it for a while before asking Cameron, “Did we receive an invitation

surprised. President Griffith usually doesn’t attend a wedding for business purposes. Therefore, he couldn’t help but ask, “Young Master Alex, are you going to attend the wedding?” “Yes, I will be.” “I see.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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