Chapter 225 The Spectacular Wedding Dress,Coolest Girl in Town

Ruben was surprised to learn that Alexander had attended his wedding. Although their families shared the same status of being one of the wealthiest families in Athesea, they had rarely mingled with each other. However, now that Alexander had arrived, Ruben quickly rushed to the entrance to greet him. “Y-Young Master Alex, welcome to my wedding.” Now that Ruben had taken the initiative to offer a handshake, he was being humble and respectful. A polite Alexander replied, “Congratulations, President Snyder!” “Thank you very much.” After that, Ruben finally realized that Elise was standing beside Alexander, so he quickly greeted her as well.


“Miss Sinclair, I’m glad that you can make it.” However, the moment Ruben’s eyes landed on their entangled arms, he was startled. Despite being in the industry for such a long time, he was so shocked by what he saw that he failed to control his emotions. “Young Master Alex, she is…” Without any hesitation, Alexander wrapped his arm around Elise’s shoulders and replied, “I believe you already know her as she’s my fiancee.”

Fiancee? The moment Alexander said those words, those around him were immediately shocked. Why have I never heard about Young Master Alex’s engagement before? Why does he now have a fiancee all of a sudden? The news had left everyone in the crowd dumbfounded and Elise instantly felt their gazes at her. “I see. Young Master Alex, Miss Sinclair, this way please…” As Ruben welcomed them into the grand hall, more people took the initiative to approach Alexander and greet him, which left him with no choice but to exchange a few words with them.

soon.” “Okay,” Alexander uttered his approval. “Make it quick.” Then, she released his hand and walked toward the resting lounge inside. Now that Audrey was already in her wedding dress, she was now getting her makeup done by a makeup artist while chatting with a few

Mrs. Snyder.” The moment Audrey saw Elise, she immediately became excited. “Miss Sinclair, why did you come over?” When Elise saw how beautiful Audrey was in the wedding dress, she quickly approached Audrey and complimented, “Mrs. Snyder, you look stunning today!” “Thank you! Let me introduce you all to Miss Sinclair. She is the designer for my wedding dress that I mentioned to you earlier. Miss Sinclair, these are all my close friends.” As all of Audrey’s friends seemed rather friendly, Elise greeted them with a smile. “Miss Sinclair, the design of this wedding dress is wonderful and it fits the

hope that you two will have a baby soon!” Audrey was a little embarrassed as she accepted Elise’s gift. “That’s so nice of you. Thank you for your wishes! I hope that you’ll enjoy yourself today.” After giving Audrey the gift, Elise said her goodbyes and left the resting lounge. However, as soon as she stepped out of the

in front asked in an unfriendly tone. Elise nodded her head slightly. “Is there anything I can help you with?” However, her question was met with another girl’s scoff. “You’re so ugly. Alexander must’ve been blind to have chosen you.” The moment Elise heard those words, her expression instantly darkened yet the other person didn’t notice it. “When I first heard the rumor of him having a fiancee, I didn’t believe it at first,

person getting married today is her older brother.” So, she’s Audrey’s sister-in-law! Looks like I can’t lose my temper

even if you have really married him. You’re only his fiancee, which means that not everything is set in stone yet.” While listening to what Michelle said, Elise nodded. “You’re right.

As for what you said just now, we can wait and see what happens in the future, but I’m afraid that even if you’re in your 80s, none of what you said would

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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