Chapter 229 Be Careful; Don’t Let Your Secret Out, Coolest Girl in Town

It was hard enough to get a normal ticket into H’s fan meeting, let alone a VIP one. However, Elise only smiled enigmatically at Alexander. “It’s a secret. I have something to tell you after the fan meeting. Will you wait for me?” “Of course!” Alexander promised without hesitation. Grinning at him, she continued, “I’ll be going to bed now. I have exams tomorrow. You should rest early as well. Goodnight!” “Goodnight!” After returning to her room, Elise stared at herself in the mirror for a moment before removing her makeup. Her plan was to meet him in her truest form after the fan meeting.


What kind of expression will he have? As images of the various responses he could have floated through her mind, she chuckled and muttered to herself, “I can only hope he isn’t too shocked.” The next morning was the first day of the college entrance examination. The Language test took place in the morning, while the Math test took place in the afternoon. Despite having two examinations back-to-back, Elise dealt with them easily. On the second day, she had Comprehensive Liberal Arts in the morning and Chinese in the afternoon. After the final exam was finished, the entire academic building was filled with jubilation.

As Elise followed the crowd out of the building, she lifted her head to look up at the peaceful sky above her. Finally, she took a deep breath and smiled. “We’re finally done!” Mikayla screeched, rushing up to her and throwing an arm around her shoulders. “I have no idea how I made it through the past month, but we’re finally done!” Elise offered Mikayla a small smile in return. “And so our high school lives have come to a close. What are your plans for the holidays?” After a moment of serious thought, Mikayla told her, “I’m going to H’s fan meeting and then on vacation.

about the secret, Elise couldn’t help but tease, “I already told you it’s a surprise. You’ll find out in a day’s time!” Upon hearing that, Mikayla pouted unhappily. “You’re being awfully mean, Elise, but the more secretive you are, the more I look

have something else to do, Mikayla, so I’ll have to go now.” “Of course!” Mikayla then waved goodbye to her. “Do your thing. I can go back by myself.” And so, they parted, with Elise heading straight

for this activity. Are you okay with that?” Since it was only a dinner, Elise agreed without thinking too much about it. “Sure, but I need to change my makeup.

she stripped off her makeup. In response, he merely smiled before glancing at her clear face once she finished taking her makeup off. “You’re so pretty,” Jamie complimented. “Much more gorgeous than the other female celebrities.” “Yeah, yeah, keep sucking up to me. Did you bring me an outfit?” He gestured at the backseat in response. “I have it prepared. I even brought along a baseball cap so that you can

you resume H’s identity.” Reaching into the backseat, Elise felt for the cap that he was talking about and stuck it onto her head without hesitation. “Not bad. I have to say, you’re becoming more thorough.” Upon hearing that, Jamie pointed out somewhat smugly, “How could I not improve after all the time I’ve spent working for you?” With that, he sped up and zoomed off into the

66. Go on in, Boss. I’ll find somewhere to park.” And so, Elise opened the door and hopped out of the car, thereafter

the room. A very familiar presence, in fact. “Why are you lingering in the doorway, Boss?” Jamie’s startled voice rang out from behind her, only for him to also freeze to the spot once he reached her side. Instinctively, he went to step in front of her, but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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