Chapter 230,Coolest Girl in Town

Despite the circumstances, Elise only smiled back at Jamie. After all, if it weren’t for the presence of other people, she might have used this opportunity to tell Alexander the truth. However, it wasn’t the best time to speak up given the number of people present. And so, she decided to take it step by step. As a discerning man, Rudolph took notice of Alexander’s seeming interest in Elise and tried his best to bring the topic around to both of them. Meanwhile, Jamie, who was seated nearby, was quick-witted enough to resolve the awkward atmosphere.


However, Rudolph seemed not to cotton onto Jamie’s meaning and only occupied himself with debating whether to arrange for H and Alexander to have some time alone after the dinner. Most were aware of the unspoken rules that guided this industry, and Jamie knew that H’s reputation would not suffer for her being alone with Alexander. Hence, he offered, “Want a smoke, Rudolph? Let’s step outside for a smoke.” Though somewhat reluctant to leave, Rudolph agreed to Jamie’s proposal with a smile. “Sure. We’ll be back soon, Young Master Alex.”

With that, they walked out of the room one after the other. Without Rudolph there to get in the way, the atmosphere between Elise and Alexander began to change subtly. For a long moment, the room was silent. After a while, Alexander slowly spoke. “You have a beautiful voice, Miss H, and you’ve been doing very well in the industry. Why did you retire?” She lifted her eyes and stared at him. As their eyes met, the both of them jolted like they had been shocked and Elise was the first to look away. It feels too familiar, Alexander thought to himself with a frown.

It feels just like when Elise and I look at each other. Why do I keep seeing Elise in her? Are they related in some way? Now that he actually thought about it, they both had the same last name. Does that mean the both of them are biologically related? Before Alexander could pursue that line of thought, Elise murmured, “I retired previously due to a vocal cord injury. Since I thought I could never sing again, I chose an appropriate time to leave the scene. After treatment, however, my vocal cords healed. I didn’t want to return—you could say I never thought about it—but in the end, I came back for a friend.

fan of my music before that. What I’m hoping for is to bring back her lost memories using my music.” “I see. You must prize your relationships very much. It must be a blessed thing to be your friend.” Though his tone of voice was sincere, she simply commented, “Thank you, but I’m only doing what I can. I’ll leave the rest up to fate.” By now, Alexander was feeling not only did Joy remind him strongly

an only child. There are no other children in my family.” Assuming he had jumped to conclusions, Alexander was quick to apologize. “I’m sorry. I only asked

was thrown out reflexively, and Elise wished for nothing more than to be able to bite off her own tongue the moment she finished speaking. Why do I have to complicate things for myself? Yet, there was a part of her that hoped to be able to hear what Alexander thought of her through someone else’s ears. “I wonder if you can read minds, Miss Sinclair, because the woman that I said was similar to you is indeed my fiancée. She is someone I feel very comfortable with.” Somewhat surprised by his reply, Elise opened her mouth to say something, only to be interrupted by the room door

again after Jamie’s skillful manipulation of the scenario. Thus, the dinner came to a perfect end. On the way home, Elise looked out of the window as Jamie drove and couldn’t resist asking, “Do you think Alexander could have found out about

something was amiss. “Forget it. I was planning to tell him the truth, anyway, so even if he knows, he’s only finding out a little bit beforehand. It’s no big deal.” “It’ll be fine, Boss! You didn’t do anything wrong—you were only

once you go home.” With that, Jamie speedily ferried her back to the Griffith Residence before driving off on his own. Unbeknownst to Elise, there was a slender figure on the balcony of the top floor, watching as Jamie disappeared into the night. At this moment, Alexander sucked

into the man in question once she turned a corner. “Why are you standing here?” Staring closely at her, Alexander ignored her question in favor of asking, “Where have you been? Why have you returned so late?” And so, she had no choice but to say, “I wanted to relax after

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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