Chapter 232 Do You Know Who H Is? ,Coolest Girl in Town

Her surroundings erupted into wave after wave of earth-shattering cheers and claps. The audience’s reaction was huge. Elise couldn’t help but feel influenced by her fans’ positivity as she stared at the crowd around her. “It’s been a while!” “Welcome back!!!” the crowd cheered in unison three times in a row. It was as if they were a thousand voices in one. “Alright, alright. I believe H can already feel how happy you are to see her here. As a loyal fan myself, I’m very excited to see H back on stage as well. As such, is there anything you would like to share with us today?”


Elise faced the camera with a smile as her eyes swept across the thousands upon thousands of fans who were here with her today. She said candidly, “First of all, I’d like to thank you all for coming here to see me. You guys honestly touched my heart. I mean, how lucky am I to be loved by so many people in the world? Thank you all for giving me endless surprises and love, and thank you for waiting for me all this while! Hopefully, I’ll be able to return one day in the future to release more music for you all. Thank you!” The stadium once again erupted into applause.

“Of course, there’s nothing we want more than for you to continue making music. After all, fans are still waiting for your new song to drop. To be honest, in these three years of your hiatus, H, I’ve been looping the same few familiar songs of yours on my phone. I wonder if we’ll have the honor of hearing them live today. What do you say?” The host turned to Elise while the crowd cheered her on. Elise gave a soft smile and nodded. “Definitely!” The audience cheered ecstatically, and even the host was visibly excited to hear that. “Well then, what are we waiting for?

host then left, and Elise was now the only one left onstage. She stood in the middle, trying to find Mikayla’s seat. After skimming the audience, she finally spotted her friend in the crowd.

pick a lucky winner from the audience to join me in my next song?” Just as Elise spoke into the microphone, her surroundings exploded into squeals. “Pick me!” “H, look here! Pick me!” “Pick me!” Her fans in the front row screamed eagerly, and Elise simply smiled casually as she said, “I’ll just pick someone at random, then. How about the person in the sixth

said, and a light focused onto Mikayla all of a sudden. She wasn’t used to being put under the spotlight like this, but she

eyes of this unfamiliar face. For some reason, she felt like she knew this pair of eyes… “Are… Are you…” Elise smiled and took Mikayla’s hand. “This next song is for my best friend. I was a little surprised and shocked when I heard that she’s my fan. She told me that her biggest

she stared at Elise. I can’t believe it—the singer that I’ve idolized for so many years is my best friend? How’s this possible? Perhaps she was overthinking, or maybe this was all a hallucination. She stood on the spot and pinched her thigh as hard as she could. The sharp pain that shot up her skin made her realize that this wasn’t a dream. It was real. She stared at Elise, her mouth slightly agape in an upward angle. The next second, she took the initiative and held Elise’s hand, immersing herself

wanted to surprise me with! What a huge surprise indeed! After the song, Elise and Mikayla shared a meaningful look as they locked eyes. “Thank you so much for coming onstage with me! I have a small gift for you.” Just as she was done speaking, a stage worker brought out a brand new CD. It was a song that Elise had recorded

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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