Chapter 233 Are You Really Elise? ,Coolest Girl in Town

Jack stared at Mikayla fixedly. He had a feeling that whatever she was about to say was going to be outrageous, so he couldn’t help but ask, “Who?” Mikayla replied matter-of-factly, “She’s Elise.” “What?” Jack’s jaw dropped. However, Mikayla simply nodded solemnly. “Yes, Elise is H, and H is Elise.” Jack whipped his head toward H who was on the stage. It was no wonder he had a faint feeling that the woman looked a little familiar. Nonetheless, little did he expect that she’d be Elise! How’s this possible? Elise is just a yokel from the countryside—she’s a country bumpkin! How can she be H, the hottest celebrity from three years ago?


 “That’s impossible,” Jack blurted out offhandedly. At the same time, he instinctively recalled inside, Who was the one who had put the music score for my new song in my office back then? He’d looked through the CCTV footage after that. He remembered seeing Elise enter his office during that period of time, but he never thought of putting the two together. Now that he knew Elise was none other than H, everything finally made sense. The song was written by Elise, and she’d placed the score in his office. She was also the one who had written the clarification post on Twitter.

After silently doing so much behind his back, didn’t that mean that he had indirectly become incredibly indebted to her? “Are you sure that she’s Elise?” “Yeah, I’m sure. There’s no mistaking it. Think about it—the VIP tickets she gave us aren’t sold to the public. How did she get them, then? It’s definitely because she’s H, so getting her hands on these tickets was just a walk in the park!” Even when Mikayla put it that way, Jack found it difficult to believe that Elise was H. “Does Alexander know about this?” Alexander was also a fan of H, and he was also here at the event today. Wait—where’s Alexander? Jack looked around and realized the seat that belonged to Alexander was empty. Why didn’t he come today? 

stood on the stage. However, she couldn’t seem to spot him even after glancing through the crowd. Her hands instinctively balled into fists. The next agenda of the event was an interactive session. She initially set up the fun game with the intention of telling Alexander a snippet of the truth through the activity, but now that

everyone for coming! Next, we have a lucky draw activity. One of you lucky fans will receive an exclusive signed album of H…” As the host began his concluding speech onstage, Elise slowly left the stage. Without even changing out of her performance outfit, she frantically looked for her phone and gave Alexander a call. “Hello,

didn’t you come today? Where are you? Why’s your phone turned off? Her assistant hastily ran up to her and asked, “H, some of your fans would like to take photos with you. Are you okay with that?” Elise snapped out of her worries and immediately put away her phone while feigning nonchalance. “Sure, let them in.” With that, a group of fans rushed over, holding their phones up to take

great that everything’s gone smoothly. However, I got a lot of calls asking if you’re interested in taking brand endorsement or advertisement deals. I’ve already rejected all of them.” Elise said dejectedly, “Alexander didn’t come today.” Jamie quickly replied, “Perhaps he was busy!

shift her attention elsewhere. “Boss, your influence is really off the charts! Out of the ten trending topics on Twitter, eight of them are about your fan meeting today. Go and take a look at their posts—everyone’s asking for you to make a comeback.” Elise looked away from the window and finally took out her phone to tap into Twitter. Jamie was right—she

her phone with a smile. “Jamie, what do you think? Is it time I make a comeback? At least I wouldn’t disappoint them if I do that.” The car screeched as it came to an abrupt stop the moment she said that. Jamie said in a panic, “No! Boss, if you return to the entertainment industry, what happens to the company? Back then, you said you’d only leave it to us for a few months, but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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