Mikayla nodded eagerly. “Yes, yes! You can’t see it, but my heart’s pumping so fast right now!” Elise played along and reached out to feel her heart. “Let me hear it.” Mikayla immediately nudged closer to her. The two girls locked eyes and shared a smile. Elise nodded solemnly and said, “Wow, it’s true!” Mikayla’s face turned pink. “Elise, you’re so pretty when you smile! How did I not know about this back then? You’re so charming; I’d be so smitten by you if I were a man.” Elise knocked on her head lightly. “Let’s do that in our next lives! I promise I’ll marry you if you’re a man.”


“Sure, promise!” Elise smiled and she finally looked toward Jack. Seeing that he was still in disbelief, she wasn’t planning to explain much either. She simply asked, “Have you seen Alexander?” Jack instinctively shook his head. “I haven’t seen him the entire day. Ask Stella! She probably knows.” Jack quickly called for Stella. Surprisingly, Stella stared at Elise like she was a stranger. She even asked, “Who’s this lady here, Young Master Jack?” Elise smiled at Stella and said, “Stella, it’s me—Elise.” Stella visibly jolted at the sound of that. The woman usually got along quite well with Elise.

Even though Elise had a peculiar personality and had a habit of dressing up in strange fashion every day, Stella had in turn become quite used to that version of her. Right now, such a gorgeous woman was standing right in front of her, but she had the same exact voice as Elise. The two women bore so much of a difference that Stella had trouble believing they were the same person. “Did you say you’re… Miss Elise?” Elise nodded, but Stella was still in disbelief. “Miss, you’re kidding, right? Even though Miss Elise isn’t exactly the most beautiful woman out there, she’s very kind and she’s a nice lady.

On the other hand, you’re so pretty—this is too much of a difference compared to Miss Elise! How’s that possible?” “Stella, it’s really me!” Elise said sincerely. However, Stella still couldn’t believe her eyes. Has the ugly duckling really transformed into a swan? “I still don’t believe you, unless you tell me a secret that only me and Miss Elise would know about.” Elise smiled slightly. She quickly went up to Stella and whispered into her ear. The older woman was quite taken aback when she heard Elise’s words. “A-Are you really Miss Elise?” “Yes, Stella! It’s really me!”

myself up too… unfashionably. Anyway, this is the real me.” Though Stella wasn’t fully convinced

accident over there…” “What did you say? What happened to my parents?” Jack hastily butted in. Stella was initially planning to hide it from him, but she could no longer do so. Now,

before he left, Miss Elise.” Jack had already turned around by the time Stella was done speaking. He made his way to the main door in long strides. Elise

Jack! You should stay at home too. Young Master Alexander said that he’ll

to go.” “Young Master Jack! You must listen to Young Master Alexander!” Jack’s hands tightened into fists on either side. After a moment of deep thought, he finally said, “Let

them safe. They’ll be okay for sure.” Stella didn’t know if she was trying to comfort them or herself with those words. Meanwhile, Elise could only pray silently that everything was fine. That day, the inside of the Griffith Residence was brightly lit the entire night. Jack stayed up in the living room all night long, while Elise and Mikayla only drifted off to sleep hours after midnight when they couldn’t

best news.” Elise was a little disappointed. “I can only hope they’re safe and well.” Just as the words left her mouth, the telephone in the living room rang. Elise was the first to react; she scrambled to the living

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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