Elise quickly explained, “It’s not like I wanted to accept Jamie’s presents, but the situation at the time…” Just then, however, she thought of something. After all, Madeline was Alexander’s mother. However displeased she was with Madeline, she couldn’t say nasty things about his mother in front of him. Therefore, she changed the subject and said, “Never mind, I’ll return them after leaving them here for a few days.” However, Alexander tightened his arms around her. “I’m sorry, Elise. I don’t think I can accept other men being nice to you, so I’ve got to be twice as nice to you in the future.”


Elise didn’t say a word. There were some things that she didn’t want to tell him lest it made him feel even more irritable. However, she could sense that Madeline was hostile to her. Seems like it’s true that the relationship with one’s mother-in-law is the trickiest problem in the world. Perhaps I could reduce the conflict between us by avoiding her, she thought. At the thought of this, she made up her mind. When Alexander came out of Elise’s room, he gave Cameron a call. “Help me find out what happened at Moore Plaza today.” Cameron merely replied, “Yes, Young Master Alexander,” on the other end of the line without asking any questions.

After hanging up the phone, Alexander looked back and stared at the tightly closed door. Even though Elise said nothing about it, he could sense that there was something wrong with her mood today. What should I do to reduce her worries? he thought. Over the next few days, Elise went out from dawn till dusk, going to Brendan’s studio to help him with his work. As she avoided meeting Madeline almost every day, the two women rarely ran into each other, thus avoiding many conflicts.

However, Madeline wouldn’t let it go at that. One day, the servant received an exquisitely designed invitation card. “Madam, it’s an invitation sent by the SK Group.” Madeline took the invitation card and glanced at it. “Just put it there! I’ll make time to attend the event.” “Yes, madam,” Stella said. Just as Stella was about to leave, Madeline stopped her, saying, “Wait a minute, Stella.” “Is there anything else, madam?” Coming straight to the point, Madeline said, “You’ve worked for the Griffiths for years. I suppose I can talk about this with you without mincing words. You’ve served Dad by his side for so many years, so you know his temperament better than anyone else.

engaged to a country bumpkin like Elise.” Stella was troubled by Madeline’s question. “Madam, this is a matter within the Griffith Family. I’m only a servant, so I’m not qualified to comment on this.” Madeline immediately replied, “It’s okay, Stella. I just want to know what Dad thought, so you just have to be honest.”

this time. Back when the late Mr. Griffith was still around, she never exploited his fondness for her to do anything inappropriate. Instead, she always had the interests of the Griffiths in mind. As for her relationship with Young Master Alexander, I don’t think it’s proper for us to speak out of turn about the love between a man and a woman. But I believe that Young Master Alexander must’ve liked Miss Elise because there’s something extraordinary about her. Besides, they look like a

Madeline interrupted Stella before the latter could continue her speech. “Getting married? How could she marry into the Griffith Family with such a family background? Isn’t that a bit too laughable?” Upon hearing Madeline’s words, Stella realized that Madeline disliked Elise because of the latter’s family background. Turns out that rich families value marriages between families of equal social standing above everything else. Well, the late Mr. Griffith was better; he didn’t hold

Stella immediately replied, “You’re overthinking it, madam. There’s nothing indecent between Miss Elise and Young Master Alexander. I can vouch for Miss Elise about this.” Madeline heaved a sigh of relief. Seems like they’ve yet to reach that point in their relationship. In that case, there’d still be a way

lit. “You’re back at last, huh?” Elise heard Madeline’s voice as soon as she entered the house. When she looked up subconsciously, she saw Madeline sitting on the sofa in the living room. She asked, “Why are you still up

a year. Since it’s about time, I’d say you should consider moving out and staying somewhere else. After all, you’re a lady, so it’s quite improper for you to stay at someone else’s place all year round.” For a moment, Elise didn’t know how to respond to Madeline’s words. She

Mrs. Griffith. I should be moving out indeed.” Madeline then said, “I don’t mean anything else, but you’re a lady, so your reputation is quite important. Those in our family are mostly guys, so it’ll be embarrassing if word gets around about this. How about this? I’ve got a 2-bedroom apartment downtown, so you can stay there if you want.” “Thanks for your kind offer, Mrs. Griffith, but it’s not necessary. I’ll find a place to stay on my own.” Madeline heaved a sigh of relief when she heard Elise say so. “That’s good. You’re engaged to Alexander, but you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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