“What are you talking about, Alexander? Wouldn’t it be inconvenient for you and Elise to meet up after she moves out?” “Yeah, that’s right! Elise is engaged to you, so she’s part of our family. She’ll be staying with us sooner or later, anyway.” However, Alexander didn’t bat an eye. He replied flatly, “I’m just respecting her decision.” Elise’s heart instantly sank when she heard this, but she put on a calm face without revealing any emotion.


She didn’t know what was wrong with her. She was the one who said she would be moving out, and he agreed to that at last, but she became even more upset instead… “Well then, go on with your breakfast. I’m going upstairs to pack up my stuff,” she said. With that, she went upstairs, leaving everyone else to look at each other in puzzlement. Jack said, “Something’s amiss! Did you guys notice that something was wrong with Elise’s mood today?”

Upon hearing Jack’s words, Brendan pondered for a moment and then turned to look at Alexander. “I noticed that too. Besides, Elise has been going out early and coming back at night lately. Is she hiding something from us?” Everyone fell silent at his words, whereas Alexander’s piercing eyes darkened bit by bit. Elise didn’t have many belongings, so she only packed them in a simple suitcase. As she dragged her suitcase downstairs, Danny immediately trotted up to her to help her. “Let me help you with that, Boss,” he said while taking the suitcase from her. However, instead of going downstairs, he stood still and continued, “Are you really leaving, Boss?

I’ll miss you very much.” Elise comforted him, saying, “I’m just moving out. It’s not like we’re not gonna meet again. If you wanna play games with me, just text me on WhatsApp. I’ll play with you if I’m free.” Danny pouted his lips before he replied despondently, “Alright, Boss.” Just then, Alexander came over to them. “Just put the suitcase in the trunk. I’ll drive her there.” Danny still wanted to say something, but when he saw how unyielding Alexander was, he could only hold back the words on the tip of his tongue and obediently put the suitcase in the trunk.

going out first. Elise followed Alexander closely, though neither of them spoke on their way to her apartment. When they arrived at Bollinger Gardens, Elise unbuckled her seat belt, saying, “We’ve arrived. Just drop me here.” To her surprise, Alexander didn’t say a word in reply. Instead, he merely opened the car door, got out of the car, and picked up her suitcase. He asked, “Which block are you

As the elevator door closed, he slowly said, “You can move into your apartment on your own, but it’s my duty and responsibility as your fiancé to

to her apartment. The apartment was a fully-furnished 3-bedroom unit, and she had made a special effort to buy it

Elise replied, “It’s okay. I have it figured out. I’ll buy a pair of men’s slippers and put them

said, “I’ve got something to do at my office, so I’ll be going there first. Be careful while you stay here alone.” Elise nodded repeatedly. “Don’t worry. I know that.” However, she became downcast at once after Alexander left. Staring at the spacious and empty apartment, she felt a void inside her. Meanwhile, Alexander didn’t leave after the apartment door

in. Let’s talk about it inside.” … On the first day of moving in, Elise did a quick cleaning

night before falling asleep. When she woke up the next day, it was already 9AM. She quickly washed up, got changed, and got ready to leave the apartment. However,

she didn’t give it much thought. When the elevator arrived, she took the elevator right away. It was already 10AM when she arrived at Brendan’s studio. As soon as she arrived, Brendan came up to her, asking,

what I’m asking about, anyway. I wanted to ask…” Brendan hesitated for a moment. Then, he asked, “Why exactly did you move out all of a sudden?” Upon hearing Brendan’s question, Elise replied slowly without revealing any emotion on her face, “Uh, there’s no particular reason, actually. I just wanted a change of environment since I’ve

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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